Grow Lights - Opinions


Well-Known Member
oh well, my observation holds true for the present, keep an eye out and let me know if I'm outta my mind or not.


Active Member
la9 is just an old ass tried and trued on his sodium phosphate, and we all know it. LED's are the way to go, if ur talkin stealthy and for personals right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm no mewbie grower here, started growing when I was 15 and turned 44 last friday. ;)

Metal Halide on the other hand does put out some of the UV spectrum.

Please explain (getting this subject back on track) to me as to why the plants that I have seen grown in LED cabs are so scrawny and produce very little.
From the plants I have see under LED, you could do better growing in a computer cab under compact fluors.
My Theory would be that certain hormones are not being activated within the plant, and would be due to something missing in the light spectrum being provided. All I am saying that plants need low levels of UV light in order to complete their cycles.
Yes your theory, i grow with only hps and have never had a dissapointng result. Now every grow I have seen with leds wouldnt even compare to any grow done with a 250 w hps.


Active Member
i have a secondary question. if led's don't work for flowering. i'm doing a VERY stealth grow. can Flouro's be used for the flowering?


Well-Known Member
I plan on growing 3 or 4 plant with my 400watt hps. Should I add or start out with just cfls though?

i know ALOT of people JUST use hps to get huge ass buds BUT what if you added a daylight spec to that?


Well-Known Member
i know ALOT of people JUST use hps to get huge ass buds BUT what if you added a daylight spec to that?
Best option is to get a good Multi-Spectrum HPS.
They are listed as agriculture bulbs, horticulture bulbs, enhanced spectrum bulbs, agro bulbs, and so on. These contain the right amount of blue spectrum (daylight) to keep your plants happy.

The ratio of blue to red during flower is 30%blue / 60%red, so if you have lets say a 150 Watt REGULAR HPS you would add 75 REAL Watts worth of BLUE CFLs to create a proper light balance.

growin n rollin

Active Member
Will "2" 75 watt florescent lights work to grow 2 plants?, I just want to grow them about 12 inches then move them outside

I'm thinking of buying 2 more lights


Active Member
I just bought a 225 led grow light and I will post my results with it. My friend grew three plants to flowering with just a two panel system so im thinking one panel should handle two plants grown close together. ill post the results


Well-Known Member
WTF ? Where did this thread pop out from,

Anyway I'm not going to be fooled with those LED mind trick threads anymore.

I'm here to help and my answer is stay away from LED's and if you want to argue with someone you'll have to find someone else...........

I've moved on to more exciting and complicated subjects.



I think the reason for that is for hps u can put the light right on it.The led on the other hand right on it buddy.:peace:


does anyone have opinions or experience about running a duel lamp that has a 400 hps and a 400 mh? just got one and trying to decide whether i should just run the mh during veg and hps during flower or running both mh and hps together all the way through??


Well-Known Member
LED's work fine but they're not very powerful. I think the newer LED grow lights produce around 40 lumens/watt. Even the latest LED's can only muster around 75 lumens/watt. Anything beyond that is experimental and not yet mass produced.

Until these LED grow lights become cheap to around $20 each it won't be cost effective versus HID grow lights.

HPS works because it is very efficient, your average horticultural bulb does 150 lumens/watt. It makes up for it's lack of spectrum with shear power. Metal halides work but they're less efficient, around 100 lumens/watt. They give off more blue but less red, making them less favorable compared to HPS. Enhanced HPS bulbs meant for growing have a stronger red spectrum, currently it's the most efficient way we know of to produce artificial sunlight for plant growth.

Because of their fundamental design and need for a ballast, HPS technology probably won't advance past where it is at now. LEDs on the other hand are getting more and more efficient. I wouldn't be suprised ten years from now that "UFOs" are commonplace among growers.

Pictures description:
1) Plant photosynthesis chart
2) Light wavelengths emitted by standard HPS, your average security light/street light
3) Light wavelengths emitted by a horticultural HPS bulb
4) A horticultural metal halide conversion bulb
5) Light wavelengths emitted by the common "warm white" CFL
6) Light wavelengths emitted by the common "daylight" CFL



Has anyone got some information on using 2*225 led panals with cfls 100w-6400k 100w-14000k 100w-24000k for vege then turning on a 600w vert hps 3200k.
check out ledfirsttimegrow, a thread started by my accomplice. we have been using all led ufos that run at 90watts each. we have seen great results so far. we just added some t5's to try and help with density though. My tent is in its 6th week of flowering and ive got huge frosty nugs. I never worry about helicopters, I never worry about the room getting too hot, and I never worry about my electricity bill. Im an led believer. All u need is enough of them at the correct spectrums. Chinese leds are pieces of shit and will kill ur plants found that one out from experience. Led is definitely a great option for covert grows in smaller areas. we have 12 90ws in a 10ft by 10ft room broken into 3 grow tents. and only paid 125 a ufo. If anyone wants to further discuss led's Id be happy to tell you how to make this technology work for u.

Incandescent Bulb

Electric Consumption

Electric Consumption

Electricity Consumption Ratio





















Electric Consumption

Electric Consumption

Electricity Consumption Ratio



















3.Comparing Working Life-span


Incandescent Bulb

Approx 50000 hours/Pcs​

Approx 1500 hours/Pcs Bulb​

1Pcs LED​

33Pcs Bulb​

LED is more energy efficient and more environmentally friendly than Incandescent Bulb and CFL, LED lighting is a better option for you.