Grow pots?


Active Member
Hey all, looking to switch up from 3 gallon fiber pots, looking to get a few of these for my tent, plan would be 1 seed per. Its 7 gallons, is there any reason I shouldn't do this such as root issues? Or would they fan out and fill the container even though the shape is more spread out? 20210116_162457.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ooh my bad I misread and thought you said one seed per square gallon (don’t know why)

Yes that should be ok, I like to mention that the deeper the pot, the taller/larger the plant will grow, but the roots will fan out for sure.


Well-Known Member
1 seed per 7g planter and you should be fine.

roots will spread out accordingly

Also to add, not sure what drainage is like in those planters, maybe a few extra holes along the bottom might be beneficial.