Grow room for 6-12 plants and more?’s


Well-Known Member
Hello, I’ve grown 2 cabinet crops and this summer I’m growing my first outdoors. My cabinet was pretty much tossed together with cheap amazon crap and stuff I had laying around, and to be honest it was not all that enjoyable. I got harvests but they were not happy plants. Now I’m considering building a dedicated grow room attached to my workshop. My question is, how big should it be to comfortably growing 6 plants? Also I’m considering getting my caretaker license, which would allow 12. For double the plants would I need double the space or less? This time I’m doing it right. There will be room to work, top quality gear, and definitely no creepy burple lights that when I open my cabinet at night the entire neighborhood doesn’t think a poltergeist is being born in my shop lol. I’ll probably use coco, with a long term plan to maybe try hydro. One more thing, have any of you added skylights to your ceiling so the poor plants can get a little real light? Thanks!
2' x 2' is the smallest footprint I would want per plant, and that's crowded.
An 8' x 8' room would be sweet for 6 plants. Would give you room to walk and work, and give you options for different grow styles. 10' x 10' would allow a walkway around the perimeter, and through the middle.
If you have a comfortable work environment, you're gonna be more productive. You'll also be more inclined to spend the time needed with the plants, instead of fucking around moving things just to be able to do what you need :lol:
I'm guessing skylights are double edged swords. Possibility of lights shining in during flower at lights off. But if you don't have to worry about light pollution, could be an option. Ive never thought skylights were worth the hassle. Cutting a hole in your roof brings it's own set of issues.
Thanks GrassBurner, this will be new construction so about anything is open for discussion. I was thinking around 10 x 10 as a starting point.
Long long ago when I could grow my own medical in California, I built a 4' by 4' indoor planter bed.
I grew six healthy huge plants in there.
It was organic soil so it was 16 square feet by two and a half feet deep of organic soil so the soil volume was 40 cubic feet.
I lined the walls with that reflective aluminum bubble insulation stuff.
Reflecting the light back on the plants made a difference. Also naked HPS bulb gave better growth than having glass in the reflector / hood.

A larger room is a great idea. Walk around and all.
I would still have reflective "walls" around the garden no matter how much walk around room I had.
Like you, I have a grow-room to build. I look forward to your build. If you like you can post pictures of your work. I hope to do the same.

It's fun to share. Just remove the Meta Data from your pictures.
Long long ago when I could grow my own medical in California, I built a 4' by 4' indoor planter bed.
I grew six healthy huge plants in there.
It was organic soil so it was 16 square feet by two and a half feet deep of organic soil so the soil volume was 40 cubic feet.
I lined the walls with that reflective aluminum bubble insulation stuff.
Reflecting the light back on the plants made a difference. Also naked HPS bulb gave better growth than having glass in the reflector / hood.

A larger room is a great idea. Walk around and all.
I would still have reflective "walls" around the garden no matter how much walk around room I had.
Like you, I have a grow-room to build. I look forward to your build. If you like you can post pictures of your work. I hope to do the same.

It's fun to share. Just remove the Meta Data from your pictures.
Thanks. Right after I got my license the first thing I did was gather a bunch of stuff to build a makeshift cabinet. I got a harvest from both crops but it wasn’t fun, I’d purchase mine before I grow like that again. This year we planted our first real garden (and I built this house 30 years ago). I found out if you want to grow herb you don’t just have to know that subject, you also have to know insects, detailed weather, all kinds of crap I was never aware of. Wasps are good?? Yes it turns out they are! It’s been so fascinating that I was dreading having to wait til next year to do it right lol. Thus this thread, I don’t have any money but I’m resourceful and I can build anything lol. Looking forward to next year outdoor and this winter indoors now woot! Thanks for the meta heads up too I was aware of exif lol.
With a little luck Biden will change the drug schedule of cannabis from Schedule One to Schedule Two.. Then we all will be making grow-rooms.
That Schedule One is the only thing that keeps the racist anti-cannabis house of cards standing.

Any one die from smoking too much weed? Heroin yeah that is clearly a schedule one but weed? Oh-Man!
With a little luck Biden will change the drug schedule of cannabis from Schedule One to Schedule Two.. Then we all will be making grow-rooms.
That Schedule One is the only thing that keeps the racist anti-cannabis house of cards standing.

Any one die from smoking too much weed? Heroin yeah that is clearly a schedule one but weed? Oh-Man!
Exactly. I’m in a medical state, we passed that law which is very liberal, however nobody thought about compliance and enforcement. So the result is herb growing everywhere, I mean it’s in the highway medians, old folks are growing it in their gardens, it’s ridiculous. I live way back several miles from the closest town of about 1,200. From my house to town I know of several grows that I can see from the road including one commercial grow about 60 acres. Right next to a county road. They have a bit of a fence now that the neighbors complained but it’s just along the road and I can still stand up in the bed of my pickup and gaze at them. I’m like Ted in the Ted movie where they found the field of super lemon haze lol, “no words” lol. I definitely wouldn’t want to be running a dispensary here because everyone I know that smokes has pretty full cupboards now.
Well where there is weed there is theft that is for sure.
You are right to build a room.
Around here there is Meth. Everyone had been keeping it hush hush because I am an unknown but last night one woman gave it away as she wanted to talk me up through my front porch window after neighbor was gone and she had 7 different topics going at once and all I did was say "uh..." and "oh?"
She came back just 20 minutes ago and was doing that head-twisting inventorying of everything in my kitchen as she looked in from the doorway as I talked to her a second time.
Weed is so much better.
Be sure to post some pics!
I spent for Formica panels. Reflective, easy to clean and I can write on it with dry erase markers. What is not to love? Oh THE PRICE PER SHEET! OMG!
However, this most likely is where I will die so enjoy life while alive I say.
I was an electronic tech and coder the first 20 years so my surveillance around here is pretty good lol. Plus if anyone wanted to come way out here to steal my ganja they’d most likely stop first at one of the other better area gardens before they got here anyway lol. I’m not saying it’s impossible but if they were successful they’d have their picture snapped at several locations so they probably wouldn’t enjoy it much from a jail cell. Cameras ain’t all I got either so if anyone is watching this and wants to hunt for me from my IP address let me know where you want to start. Last I checked I had it set to Dallas but if you give me time I could have you start about anywhere. How about Denver, it’s nice up there lol.