Grow Room Security


New Member
Done. She is in some european country. The exif data coordinates are an old trick that has been around for at least a year. I've seen it used for grow houses and to blackmail girls with nude pics.
HAHAHA I LOVE!!! how you title the picture "nigger".jpg hahahaha!!!


Well it blew my mind also, I don't have camera on my phone so no worries for me (yeah, old fuckin' camera). I wouldn't be surprised to see this as a feature on new digital cameras. GPS inside, and for every photo taken you have the exact coordinates.

But seriously makes you wonder what else they slip in there that most people don't know about?


New Member
Well it blew my mind also, I don't have camera on my phone so no worries for me (yeah, old fuckin' camera). I wouldn't be surprised to see this as a feature on new digital cameras. GPS inside, and for every photo taken you have the exact coordinates.

But seriously makes you wonder what else they slip in there that most people don't know about?
hell yes it does brother. i mean if we only truly knew what really goes on... to be honest im just speachless on everything that goes on and has gone on. i just laugh my hysterical psychotic laugh just waiting for the worst of everything to come.

but its all good because this is not my rest; nor none of yours -- this is work, it's life, and Christ willing there is Truth and something Greater after our death; but who knows we could JUST be dirt.


Well-Known Member
Well it blew my mind also, I don't have camera on my phone so no worries for me (yeah, old fuckin' camera). I wouldn't be surprised to see this as a feature on new digital cameras. GPS inside, and for every photo taken you have the exact coordinates.

But seriously makes you wonder what else they slip in there that most people don't know about?
It's becoming more common. It has actually been an option on higher end cameras for a little while now and on professional topography solutions. GPS isn't much more than a $20 chip now though so it's popping up on everything.


Well-Known Member
that was some crazy shit, i had no idea they were doing that, glad that you couldn't find out where my pic was from, guess my phone was just old enough. thanks for the info whiteflour and me8980109. now everybody has one more thing to be paranoid about. Its not just people growing weed that sould be worried about the cops from this stuff. what about people trying to rip you off, or what about all your pictures on facebook. what about ex girlfriends/boyfriends keeping tabs on you. this would make me way scared if i was a chick