Grow room


I have 2 small plants inside that I need to move. The only spot is an outside area connected to the house. It measures 4'x8' but has the hot water tank in one corner. The room is warmer than the outside. I live in Kent, WA with temp in the 40's. I am a beginner so any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
In the summer you will struggle to keep temps down because of the water tank, so if it's 80* outside your inside temp will be like 120* and they will die,
A/C or a quality fresh air in system would be needed imo,
maybe insulating the tank may help.


Active Member
I agree its gonna get real hot in there in the summer. You might get away with forcing fresh air from outside and letting it exhaust out ceiling. If plants are down on the ground level in there you may be all right. It stick a therm in there about the plant level and see what it looks like for an idea. I definitely would try forcing air through there before I went to any major expense of an a/c