Grow tent fan help first grow


So need help with connecting fan to tent , my idea is to put carbon filter in tent attached to ducting to inline fan outside tent connected to window ? Or just putting the fan outside tent on floor in room fine ? But then it would stink up my house correct ?


Well-Known Member
You want the exhaust fan at the top of the tent. It can be in or out of the tent. but you want it sucking hot air out and heat rises. So long as the filter is in the tent, it will take care of smell.


Okay so carbon in tent on roof attached to ducting or to the fan itself and the ducting to the fan and out the window ?


You want the exhaust fan at the top of the tent. It can be in or out of the tent. but you want it sucking hot air out and heat rises. So long as the filter is in the tent, it will take care of smell.
How would I put fan on top of tent it's pretty light .. Theirs a hole for the tent but I presume with the strings to pull its means for ducting


Well-Known Member
my fan sits on the floor outside the tent carbon filter on the inside
I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, as long as your fan is large enough to handle the extra duct that you will need. Why are you ducting it out a window seeing as the odor will be eliminated. Is it because of heat? I don't like ducting outside because it can be a giveaway to someone walking by. Not the smell, but just curiosity. Peace


I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, as long as your fan is large enough to handle the extra duct that you will need. Why are you ducting it out a window seeing as the odor will be eliminated. Is it because of heat? I don't like ducting outside because it can be a giveaway to someone walking by. Not the smell, but just curiosity. Peace
Well to be honest I also thought out the window would look weird ! I would prefer it being blown in my room but is the carbon really diffuse the smell completely cuz I have a room mate too, also for heat inside my tent it pushes 81 f for now an it's cold out ' so in summer they would cook:( I'm looking into a AC unit to keep temps down


Well-Known Member
Can you mount it to the wall in or our of the tent? I have a DIY tent with no support so i mounted to the wall.