Grow ventilation penetration.


Well-Known Member
had to go with a rhythm..haha anyways....

My current 240cfm booster fan (exhaust) is a little noisy..
I was thinking about setting the exhaust fan...and the intake fan to change air every 30min/1hr? How long would they need to be on? The room is is 8x5x8 Is this ok or should the exhaust and intake on 24/7?

Thanks. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
exhaust and Intake in my tents stay on 24/7 . if your going to set it id set the exhaust for every 30 min.


Well-Known Member
Keep it on 24/7.

Get a dimmer, preferably with thermostat. Build a softbox around the exhaust, use insulated ducting on the outer end (makes a big difference). See "quiet, the neighbors can hear you" thread somewhere in these forums.