growin in state parks in VA


Well-Known Member
Dude I don't mean to come across in the wrong manner, but are you living with your parents? Because I can't figure why anyone would take such a risk!

I ask only because growing in a park is a SUPER FELONY (cape and all). National Parks service, DEP, EPA, LEO, and people like me HATE when people tear up a native bioshpere, litter it with growing supplies and water bottles, just to grow a plant for their own personal benifit. You need to find a local tree farm, or something man. Please don't be going out into our parks to do this. If you do do it, and you get caught, then you deserve everything the judge throws at you, and trust me it carries bigger penalties than growing in your back yard. Your talking about using federal/ state property do grow a controlled substance.



Well-Known Member
well ok thanks man. no i have another spot , but its just that i live near a park thats near. but now that i thought of what could be the consequences. screw that idea


Well-Known Member
Yeah I didn't mean to come across too harsh, but trust me its for your own good. I mean it really does carry extra "big time" felonies for doing this on government lands. I think you would enjoy National Geographic's "Marijuana Nation." In it they explain in detail the Mexican mafia growing out in Cali's state parks and how much of a environmental, legal, and overall civilian saftey hazard it is. I understand you were probably just thinking about a couple little plants here and there but Uncle Sam and that Bling Lady Justice look at it all just the same. I really do hope your other spot works out for you. I hope to see you on here soon with some great harvest shots.

:peace: -BlessAmerica


Well-Known Member
I agree with BlessAmerica... growing in a park is a Bad bad bad idea.

I found many locations that i could grow massive plants and no one would have a clue, but then i remembered how there are rangers who go around and walk the state property looking for illegal hunters or fisherman..Also pot farmers nowadays.

The forest is your best bet. if not look for a clearing somewhere that people dont visit or can see.

try google earth. thats how i found my spot ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow, I never thought of using google earth as a grow tool. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. All my hunting is usually from the road which doesn't really cut it.



Well-Known Member
I agree. Don't grow in the parks. I'm fine with marijuana growing but not with destroying lands/environment that are supposed to be preserved/protected. Well, I'm not ok with it on ANY lands, but growing in a park is just asking for it.

Those Mexican growers destroying forests and parks REALLY give pot and pot growing a bad, bad name.


New Member
where are you from in VA i could probably help you out with a couple of good spots since im from there
wtf.?? .... LEO ? ^

to the OP >

no offense, but I wouldnt give out specific info like that.. I mean, I can just see the cops searching the parks in VA just cuz of your post. NO JK.

I would never grow outside, but thats just me


Well-Known Member
yea. the polce is seriously going to search evry park in VA for 5- 6 pants. besides if u read my post i decided not to .


Active Member
he knows all the great spots between Dunkin Donuts and the local precinct
Thats some hilarious sh^t... So if not state parks how about national? I have always known a kick asss spot in a rainforrest and have always wondered if it would go well... its mostly a pine forrest though so the soil might not be right... always have wondered though..... but I could probably never do it either... thats why I just stick to using my gutted bathroom for now... lol.:lol: