Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

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Active Member
no shit!!!!!!!!!!.....SORRY to hear that man

i'm glad you didn't lose every thing

hope you got him good too!!!!!!!!!!!


mookie brown

Active Member
Whats up all.....I'm still around, but catastrophy hit, and I had a snitch room mate......i hadda act fast. I saved the op and was able to transport everything to a new location. All except for my veg cab. Cops got it.........But let see, the roommate that fucked this up for me......Well, lets just say.....he was appropriately dealth with.

Did your roommate give you an ultimatum before he, as you say "snitch you out" ? You should never grow weed with roommates. If you're going to grow then do it all alone in your own place & if you can't afford to live on your own well then you have no business growing PERIOD !! Fucking kids


Well-Known Member
Did your roommate give you an ultimatum before he, as you say "snitch you out" ? You should never grow weed with roommates. If you're going to grow then do it all alone in your own place & if you can't afford to live on your own well then you have no business growing PERIOD !! Fucking kids
HEy man, you don't know shit surrounding the situation, and I'm no kid. And most ppl grow because they can't affort stuff. I also don't owe anyone with the likes of you an explanation. Go fuck yourself! you don't even klnow who your talking to.

mookie brown

Active Member
HEy man, you don't know shit surrounding the situation, and I'm no kid. And most ppl grow because they can't affort stuff. I also don't owe anyone with the likes of you an explanation. Go fuck yourself! you don't even klnow who your talking to.

I wouldn't want to know you. From what I've read you are an idiot for trying to grow with roommates. I'm sure the masses would agree. One more thing, if you can't afford stuff then maybe you should look in to getting a second job if you even have one job in the first place. It's time for you to become a man so man up !!

P.S. Likewise, you don't know me & idiots like yourself & I don't sit well together.


mookie brown

Active Member
^^^^ who the fucc u think u are? I suggest not returning to this thread. Dookie Brown=Edit, cause I dont need u snitchin too!

Actually my being here will help detour schmucks from trying to grow in a dorm or to grow while living with roommates. Someone could get a serious ass beating by roommates if the schmuck was trying to grow without them knowing. Not only that but growing with roommates will up your chances at getting busted by 10% for each person that knows. As far as snitching goes lol, I'm not a snitch, I'm the type of guy to just walk right up to you & blast you hard in the mouth & start screaming on the top of lungs telling you that you're not welcomed anymore & stay right where you're at as I bring your shit out the door. I grow but I grow alone & not a living soul knows my business. My life has no drama but you on the other hand make poor decisions in life & that will catch up with you.

The punks today have no clue


Well-Known Member

^^^ I value my account to much to throw blows on the web wit u. Been there, done that.
Ps, Im a legal MMJ cardholder, no regrets here, BUDDY!!


Well-Known Member
Wow shit hit the fan while i was at work. WB SGT!!! Show us how big ur internet cock is mookie lol. sorry to hear about ur situation Sgt. And all you guys need to stop bickering as far as i see it MEN do what they want BOYS do what they can. And as long as what any of you do DOESNT affect what I DO then fuck we cool lol why fight online thats like talking shit on the phone wait wait i know why CUZ I LOVES TO READ IT. thanks for the laugh guys needed had a long day at work and now im back home with the woman im in a custody battle with so i can know my son is provided for lifes a BITCH aint it brothers. Hell i cant grow at all till it warms up cuz last grow i had going bitch destroyed least yall arnt in my shoes

mookie brown

Active Member
Show us how big ur internet cock is mookie lol.
Is that all you have ? Lame, come on now, why would you want to go and say that ? I have not once attacked anyone on this thread but you punks keep trying to attack me. How old are you guys ? Take a good look at your typing skills, seriously most of what you type makes absolutely no sense at all. I'm here to help those before they make a bad decision. Hopefully they will be able to fish through the crap that wannabees spew.

Show you my internet cock ? For real man, is that what you have to say ? Lame

mookie brown

Active Member
who are these people you speak of helping?

Anyone & everyone, past, present & future who like to read threads. Not all people start new threads to ask repeated questions & if you don't think others read this thread daily without posting then you are definitely wrong !! There are lots of decent people that read & don't respond for whatever reasons they have. Maybe if you put the bong down for awhile you wouldn't of had to ask me this question & be smart enough to of figured that out. Later


Well-Known Member
lol not sure what that rep said my son hit a key while i was in middle of typing it was supposed to say im not on RIU to make enemies PEACE


Well-Known Member
Lol i just smoked a joint and was thinking about what you typed and in a way that makes you Captain SaveAThread


Active Member
Yo, did you ever get your seeds? I see that your roomie narked you out. That's tough, but kind of expected. It was kind of high hoping that you would actually see a harvest inside a dorm, but kudos to you for trying. You have the right idea, just a better place to exicute the plan would be more suffice. Good luck on your next grow.


Well-Known Member
Whats up all.....I'm still around, but catastrophy hit, and I had a snitch room mate......i hadda act fast. I saved the op and was able to transport everything to a new location. All except for my veg cab. Cops got it.........But let see, the roommate that fucked this up for me......Well, lets just say.....he was appropriately dealth with.
Man, Sly, it`s good to hear from you mate, i`m just sorry to be reading this crap you`re saying :| i guess that bitch finally realized what was cooking in that apartment. Good that you saved most of it. You`ll work it out, i`m sure, the brain is there and it`s working hella good, you`ll be alright :)

I wouldn't want to know you. From what I've read you are an idiot for trying to grow with roommates. I'm sure the masses would agree. One more thing, if you can't afford stuff then maybe you should look in to getting a second job if you even have one job in the first place. It's time for you to become a man so man up !!

P.S. Likewise, you don't know me & idiots like yourself & I don't sit well together.

Hey man, who the hell invited you here and insult good people? Thank you, Jesus Christ of Mary Jane for your nobility and good intentions, but you know what they say about the road to hell and your good intentions. Don`t come here here up on your high horse saying where we should grow or not, who the hell made you judge and jury? What gives you the right to proclaim that you are "saving souls", have you been hitting the bong too hard mr hippie head? And if you want to seem intellectual, come here, talk over my way, i live in a country where cardboard still passes for housing and i will eat your asshole alive at whatever you throw at me. Don`t understand a word people are typing? try me on for size, i have my CAE from Cambridge since i was 14, got my CPE the next year. How about you go and try sowing the seeds of your wisdom on other fields. Either that, or get off your high horse and apologize for the way you`ve acted, then we can have all the little chats you want about all the little things there are in the world.

Moving on...

Yo, did you ever get your seeds? I see that your roomie narked you out. That's tough, but kind of expected. It was kind of high hoping that you would actually see a harvest inside a dorm, but kudos to you for trying. You have the right idea, just a better place to exicute the plan would be more suffice. Good luck on your next grow.

It didn`t work out mate, and my window of opportunity is pretty much closed right now. Shit man, if any seeds would`ve come through the damn customs... well whatever. I`m a persistent motherfucker, never say die :) i`ll make it happen. There will be ganja growing in the dorm eventually. I`ll make sure of it ;)
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