Growing as a Police Officer


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3589164]i hope this happens to you

Fuck yeah:clap: That's what that cocksucker gets for trying to play God...That was cool:joint:


Well-Known Member
so what do you guys suggest we all do? move to a country with almost no police presence, see how long it is till you get your shit jacked or someone kills or seriously injures you or a loved one or kidnaps them for ransom or rapes them or etc, who's gonna pull you out your burning vehicle and perform any first aid they can till medical assistance arrives(usually after the cop summons them), whos gonna help make sure the sicko down the street doesnt kidnap and rape and torture your son or daughter while they are out playing?.......if that happened here who would you turn to to find the killer or kidnapper or rapists or child molestors? lets just let everyone do whatever they want regardless of who or what they hurt and the fact they will do it again? dont get me wrong crooked arrogant cops suck, thats true but c'mon guys, they are not all that way.....
Cops should only be there if we call them. They shouldn't be out looking for people to fuck with. Most ppl worried about lack of a police presence are pussies IMO. No offense. Ever hear of street justice? That's what friends and family are for.


Well-Known Member

:sleep::sleep: The dude isn't even serious about this thread. You are defending a very desperate attempt for attention seeking person. You are very gullible :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
How can you clap for that??????? :finger:
Because it was fucking awesome...How many lives did that cop ruin in his career? How many people did he put away for drug possession? How many families did he tear apart? How many kids have to grow up with their dads in prison because of him?
He deserves a bullet to the head, if you ask me:joint:
I clap every time I see or hear of some shit like that.


Well-Known Member
Dude, just please make sure you become a member of L.E.A.P. or something. And like some others on here have said, remember about the cause after you crossover to the dark side.

You actually will also be (if this is no bull shiz) in a very unique situation where you could actually make a difference & start to try to shift policy reform, as well as social perceptions with your new "piers". (if u truly give a rip about our cause).

However, my old man was a cop for 30+ years. A true drug warrior in the worst sense. I have a feeling that you will change your ways once you are ushered in to that new lifestyle.

Yeah, just take it easy on the burners.


Well-Known Member
Because it was fucking awesome...How many lives did that cop ruin in his career? How many people did he put away for drug possession? How many families did he tear apart? How many kids have to grow up with their dads in prison because of him?
He deserves a bullet to the head, if you ask me:joint:
I clap every time I see or hear of some shit like that.
Comments like this reflect really well on the smoking community....