Growing Coca??


Well-Known Member
Wasnt really sure where i should put this thread but i thought it fitted best here.

Basically was jus wondering if anyone here on riu grows coca plants?? Either for chewing or chemical reasons. If you do I was wondering how long they take to mature (or grow to about 1.5m) because I was looking into it and it seems quite straight forward but there isnt much info on stuff like growing time, yield and other stuff...
Personally, firstly im interested in it for chewing purposes which i hear is enjoyable and also because to produce powder there is a whole chemical process that im not keen on.

Any comments welcome as long as you dont jus tell me cocaine is bad because everybody knows its bad. ;)


Well-Known Member
me and my cousin researched this a while cousin used to sell crack untill he did 2 years.......anyway...basically you need to grow alot of plants to get any kind of yield for personal or takes like 2 years or something like that to produce a mature i said..this was info i read a bout 7 years ago so dont quote me...but the end result was it wasnt even worth the trouble unless we had a bunch of room for a couple bushes.......


Well-Known Member
i knew an old man that used to sniff that shit... i think it was coca leaves... some weird leaf, i never asked him what it was because i didnt want to..

he always seemed pretty happy to me :D


New Member
Im not sure about coca. But I know a close friend that is growing Poppies under two 600hps and a ebb n flow table. pretty sick shit man. I might post some pics here after I feel same enough

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
chewing on the leavs gives you a caffeine high effect you can work all day with no brake and you wont feel a bit of pain you need about half o of leafs for about 16 18 hours of work i never tryd and never grew but sugar cane farmers in brazil loves chewing it


Well-Known Member
me and my cousin researched this a while cousin used to sell crack untill he did 2 years.......anyway...
Nick, i have no issues with you but your cousin is a dumbass... i hope he had fun in prison and I hope you'll stick to growing weed for your own good and the good of everyone else.

Moving on...

Coca-Cola still uses an extract from the coca plant as an ingredient. Unfortunately it's non-narcotic but that does mean that there's a huge plant somewhere in the US that's processing a shit load of coca plants. It's prolly not hard to get a job there, anyone down for a little big-time coca-stealing?


Active Member
Okay i spent most of my teenage life on cocaine, i still do to this day, weed and blow to me are something i'll alway's do, i tend to only do cocaine on special events i.e (new years) ect... Okay but on the growing of coca plant's, Most of my mother's family still live's in Peru. So when we visit i got to see alot of thing's that amaze me. I would'nt waste your time growing coca plant's becuase in the climates of the u.s.a are not as hot year around as the moutains of peru or columbia. It take's 22grams of coca leaf to make 1 gram of cocaine,

I will prove how i know this.

Go to now look up "Coca Leaf Tea" (now think about this), I been ordering REAL coca leaf's from peru & or columbia to my home and it's 100% Legal. Okay now order your leaf's, once you get them you can open the tea bag's and chew them. ( it will give you a nice effect with no downer effect) but if you do extract the cocaine from the leaf. it will all in all cost you around $40 buck's to make a gram of pure cocaine from the leaf. And that's what most dealer's charge for cocaine that's been stomped on. & also you know what your snorting in a sence. But also synthetic cocaine is a route to. But not to many people can make it. Look this stuff up and do your researce.

But to this day it BLOW's my mind that i can order coca leaf's from my home land but yet if i get caught with 1gram of cocaine i'll go to jail. Our goverment is so messed up.

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
nah man cocaine is crazy no one should try it unless you have a strong mind to know wen to stop cause u gon want to keep on doing it but if you could party and wen the party is over move onn with your life then i think it wouldnt b a big of a problem but the chance of you doing it and forget about it its minimun place where i grew up if anyone finds out u did anything besides weed or shrooms you get your ass jumpd


Active Member
Yeah like i said my family swear's by it as if it was the healer of everything, But in south america (coca) is the big thing, I have a strong mind and yes i will not lie and say you will not get the feeling to do it again but most people with a life and job will stop the party when it need's to be. Atleast i do and i have been for the last 8 year's of my life. That's ashamed you lived in a area where people resorted to ""quote on quote"" "you get your ass jumpd" if they did any drug you or your friends did'nt like. that's a real shame.


Well-Known Member
hahaha.. maybe later ;) in response to stealin from the coca cola place... I already researched the plant your talking about. (Not with the intention of trying to steal leagal cocaine from them just because it came up on google but now it seems like good research :D ) it is the sole liscenced Cocaine extractor and coca leaf importer in the whole of the US and yes they do provide coca leaf matterial to coca cola after the cocaine has been removed for taste purposes.

In response to you boston i am in a slightly different possition. If I were to produce powder i would make a killing because here in the uk a gram goes for closer to $80. I am interested in the tea leaves for chewin tho so ill look into it.. cheers for the tip. I like you also do cocaine on occasion but producing isnt something im really into.

Shame to hear it takes so long to grow them... inspite of this I will probly set something up in a few months. Just a single plant or maybe two from which in future I will take a few cuttings. Also that sounds like a shit load of leaves to take you through one day.. but oh well ill still make an experiment of it :mrgreen:.

When i do get a plant or 2 ill be sure to post up here.. so keep ur eyes peeled but dont hold your breath cos it could be a while. :mrgreen:


New Member
drink like 29 monsters and some jolt and a pot of coffee and some stacker 3 . Fuck that smoke a bowl and shut up


Well-Known Member
Nick, i have no issues with you but your cousin is a dumbass... i hope he had fun in prison and I hope you'll stick to growing weed for your own good and the good of everyone else.

Moving on...

Coca-Cola still uses an extract from the coca plant as an ingredient. Unfortunately it's non-narcotic but that does mean that there's a huge plant somewhere in the US that's processing a shit load of coca plants. It's prolly not hard to get a job there, anyone down for a little big-time coca-stealing?
first off if you have no issues with me then dont attack my family please....until you walk in a mans shoes you should not judge his path...when my cousin was 17 when his father died leaving his mother and 2 sisters and him with a load of bills and a mortgage to keep up with...he did what he had to do to keep his family together and on there feet....he lost years of his life because of what he again please leave the judging to the jah....