Growing expectations


Well-Known Member
Hi What yield can I expect growing 16 50/50 indica sativa, grown under a 600w HPS light, vegged for 2-3 months in hydro, with co2 running in the room aswell. I want to do a perpetual harvest do you think I can get over a pound a month with this set up?

I know alot of you wont agree with it but im using the trinity 3.0 from, .... I just dont have the time or patience to build my own. The guy on the supercloset site said I can achieve these yields but Im guessing he really wants to sell this too me so I thought Id ask for RIU opinion on this.


Well-Known Member
I know he would probably just say anything but there would obviously be more lights for the vegetative and clone chambers, the 600W is for the flowering chamber alone...and I thought that co2 + hydro+ scrog would also help alot. and a pound would be an oz per plant with the set up im using which doesnt sound IMPOSSIBLE to ahcieve...


Active Member
because if you have 16 plants and they take 8-12 weeks to flower you would have to get a lot off each plant to get a pound a month.Are you an experienced grower?


Well-Known Member
because if you have 16 plants and they take 8-12 weeks to flower you would have to get a lot off each plant to get a pound a month.Are you an experienced grower?
No I have a couple grows under my belt but hardly experienced..and now that im doing more research it seems more and more improbable as I go....Atleast with this set up, perhaps I should make my own cabinet and fit in a 1000w or 2 to acheieve these yields?


Well-Known Member
2 pounds off a 600 is 1.5 gpw. thats a gnarly yield. your not going to be able to fit 16 two ounce plants ina 4x4 area.. and a scrog? that sounds wak. if your going to do a scrog, grow like 4 plants under that 4x4 area and top the shit out of them and prune alot so you just got top buds filling the whole canopy. you said you got co2.. is that cabinet air tight? please tell me you didnt pay 4 grand for that thing... you should have done your homework my dude. if your looking for a return.. its not going to happen with 1 600 watt and a noobie sorry to say. what kind of co2 setup do you got? by the way.. if you veg anything 2-3 months your only going to be able to fit like two of them under a 4x4 canopy. and from what i see that cabinet is a 6x2? how are you going to throw the light evenly under that?


Well-Known Member
No I have a couple grows under my belt but hardly experienced..and now that im doing more research it seems more and more improbable as I go....Atleast with this set up, perhaps I should make my own cabinet and fit in a 1000w or 2 to acheieve these yields?
i think you should slow the truck down and do your homework. growing weed isnt as easy as you think. specially if your looking for a set amount... and have high expectations.


Well-Known Member
U think I would pay 4grand on the Internet for something I can't see in person? loool.... Y do u think I came here for everyone's opinion... Anyways I realize now what I was asking was pushing it even though I said 1 pound with a 600w not 2 pounds bud... it seems like ur having trouble reading so Ill repeat what i said..... I'm just going to BUILD my own cabinet and put in TWO 1000 watters... that should yield big if I do everything step by step no?

btw I have grown weed before and yes its not as hard as people make it out to be. just gota be patient and let it do its thing most of the time


Well-Known Member
step by step. what does that mean? simmer down guy i read your first post. build an air tight box or hire someone like i did, air tight will allow your co2 to work properly. with two thousand watters you should be able to pull a pound a month pretty easy if your doing things right. your going to probably need an air conditioner for 2kwatts


Well-Known Member
if you insulated the shit out of it and got a small ozone generator you could be chill without a carbon filter..

is my box stealth? what do you mean by stealth lol? its 12x14 so it cant be hidden lol. i just dont ever open my garage door and im chillin.


Well-Known Member
Man seems like a headache id rather get a carb filt lol but I need something stealth not exactly hidden but just not noticable how big of a space would I need for 2 1000W would you say minimum?


Well-Known Member
And luckily im starting in the start of canadian winter so an open window would suffice for the lights i would think.


Well-Known Member
if you are planning on using hps with hoods... you need a square foot print.. not some bullshit rectangle thats going to waste light and not get you any bud. a 600hps throws a 4x4 footprint.. not 4x2.. not 6x2... 4x4... if you try to do a 4x2 you will be pissed at what you get out of it. a thousand watt throws up to a 5x5 foot print. ive even pushed it to 5x6 and didnt get too much fluff. if your not using the whole space.. your wasting electricity and your not going to come even close to your hoping yield. if you wanted to do two thousand watt lamps you would need a 5x10 area... and thats full of canopy.. whatever you need around that to move and put shit is up to you. the way your talking size wise.. i would get a single 600 or a single thousand.. and get maybe a 6x6 space so you got a little room to move. but your most likely not going to get your goal of a pound a month with this. you need a bigger space and more watts.