Growing high tech

What do you think of genetically modifide cannabis?

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Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
i have started the project now so in about six months i will have developed a plant with massively increased thc. the next step will then be to insert the rapid growth gene which has already been disscoved because of gm crops so that will help for stealth growers when a insert the hight gene which has been already discovered thanks to other scientist work. so that step will take two weeks. the next step is increase flowering/fruit stage which creates the bud. that should take no more that two months. then the final stage will to insert flavour and that reseach has already been done for many flavour thanks to gm crops where a flavour can be taken from the fruit of a plant and inserted into another. so to get flavour that are strong and come straight from a plant then the flavour stage should take a couple of weeks per flavour and more exotic flavours like city coffee would take about four-six week depending on complexity/ multipul flavours such as
lemon and chilli
orange and mint
city roast coffee
coffee and cherry
coco, cinnomon and hazelnut
so after i have done that i will most likely do some mail order seeds but they would that about eight weeks to start with even thow the plant would be ready to harvest in about four weeks because i will have to take the cell culture and make it devolope into a mature plant then i will have to trigger seeding. so i will have to wait until the seeds are ready. i may do a sample of mail order weed for you to try befor you buy but i am not quite such on that yet.

anyway that a rough time table of about one year for some Genticly Modifided Marijuana so watch this space.