Growing in 2 and 3 L Soda Bottles


Well-Known Member
I'm growing 5 plants 2 are in 2L soda bottles and 2 are in 3 L soda bottles...For now i'm growing under 157watts of CFL's..I'm upgrading to a 150watt HPS....Now i took a look at the roots on the bottom and they seemed to be growing great but where the bottom isn't flat where the soda bottles stand the roots are growing in circles....Is this ok?? I've seen people grow in 20oz soda bottles but i wanted mine alittle bigger...Should the roots be growing like that/?? Anyone have any experience growing in that size soda bottles???


Active Member
im currently attempting to grow a clone i have in a cut down tea bottle... i figured it would work cuz ive seen people on here with smaller containers getting results.. im pretty sure like most plants the size of the pot determines the size of the plant... so it should be fine


Well-Known Member
HUH!!??? What the fuck do ya mean by that....Whos says that shit!!???? WOW have you been on here long??? Don't say that shit bro....Maybe you should watch your ass now also....


Active Member
you can grow some pretty sizable plants in 2/3L soda bottles, i currently have 2 diesel ryders in them and one in a milk gallon jug and they all love it, granted i will probably transplant them one more time to something a little bigger, but for the first few weeks, it works great


Well-Known Member
ok watever basicly wat i was saying is 'keep it on the downlow' any better ? i sorta cant understand that cnymoeman.
dude you saying that is like telling an actor good luck.......its bad luck.........

Be a bit more courteous if you think you want to hang out without people getting pissed