Growing in a freezer


Active Member
Attached are a few pics of where I plan to grow my stash. I was wondering if I should seperate the freezer into multiple parts, ex: half for vegging and half for flowering, or just keep it open and line it with foil? Oh and just for anyone who is wondering..No the freezer doesn't work so it won't be turned on. Any suggestions welcome, thanks.



Active Member
...hey friend...

...i have built a few of these...attempting to split it in two is not suggested...too many problems...just get another freezer... mine i mounted two 150w hps on the lid with the ballasts mounted on the back...i vented with a pair of 6" muffin fans mounted on each side at the top in/one out...temp and humidity easily equalized with the room it was in...

...i grew in hydroton with a periodic drip system using the bottom of the freezer as my resevoir which doubled up as a dwc once the roots dropped deep...or grow in dirt...
just make sure you got a strain that likes to be small...i hope you like indicas...


Active Member
I decided not to do it in the freezer. I found myself a nice closet in the house to do it in, will take pics once I can snag a friend's camera. Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think that you would have to line it with foil. White reflects light very well. The light will bounce off those white walls. Think reflective quality like in photography. Much simpler to wipe down the walls and keep clean without lining with foil.


Well-Known Member
Besides foil isn´t good to reflect light, it concentrates light in certain points creating hotspots wich may cause some serious damage to ur plants...Keep 1 thing in mind u´ll need ventilation for that cook box, temps will rise in there even if u use a couple of fluoros (that thing was built to keep temps)...


Active Member
I said I ditched the freezer idea. I decided to grow in a closet with two fluoro's. I'm just waiting on my friend to get me a clone to save me buying seeds.


New Member
I notice that it is the type of freezer that opens at the top. You'd only fit one plant in it anyway so why not drill some holes in the bottom and use the whole freezer as a pot. What's the literage on that thing?

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Heres an idea for you StimpE. Take that freezer, stand it on end, and use it like a real big fridge. Im currently outfitting a one-piece fridge (one with only 1 door) for growing. You could easily sprout, veg, and flower all in that one freezer. Throw a squirrel cage in there, cut a hole in the side for the exhaust ducting, and pump it through a carbon scrubber. You've got a perfect stealth grow-space. The inside is AMAZINGLY reflective already, im amazed more people dont already grow in fridges or freezers, lol:P
Cheers, Sergeant Stoner


New Member
Those sort of fridges are very compact and hold a lot of heat, then there is the size of your plant compared to the roof height of the up-turned fridge. You'd also need to use flouro's and this doesn't bode well for yield.

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Temperature shouldnt be a problem if you ventilate well. A 100 or 150CFM squirel cage would be WAY more than sufficient. I mentioned this in another thread, there are thermometer switches, you set them to a temperature, and when the thermometer registers that temperature, it activates the switch. If you have your ventilation system pluged into that it means whenever that temp is reached the fridge gets vented. Theoretically it should work, im hoping it does cause ive invested a fair amount of time and money into my fridge, lol, oh well, only time will tell.
Cheers, Sarge