Growing in and computer case???


Active Member
I was just thinking of buying a regular case but now you said somthing about a servercase... I look into buying one I have $155 to spend on this project and ill start it as soon as i have all the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Buy some 2 by 2 and make a box then ply wood it and paint the inside white.

Would be a lot better then a pc tower, as looking at mine its about 12-18" high and not even 6" wide, also your want more then one plant as you wouldnt want to spend a month growing only to find you have a male would you?


Well-Known Member
i had the same idea yesterday so i searched on google to see if someone had grown this into a computer case, and find this site

i have 2 computer cases of ≈ 50cm height, dunno if theyre gonna grow but dont have many alternatives since my parents dont agree to possess cannabis
im planning to put both cases togethet, put aluminum foil inside, connect several fans in the computer's voltaje source and light it with a fish fluorecent lamp, still getting materials ill put pics as soon as possible


Well-Known Member
el maco,you are going to grow in your parents house against their will??

have some respect man,they say no,it's no,i mean what if you get busted with it?it's all good and well saying it's my plant,that wont stop cops sifting through all your parents things and generally humiliating them,and all because you couldn't accept no as an answer,bit selfish is it not?


Active Member
The only reason I didn't build anything is because i don't want it looking suspicious. No one would look in a computer case! I would rather build somthing believe me "it is soo much cheaper".


Well-Known Member
your right about it being cheaper, look on ebay for a tower case, you may be able to find one thats less expensive. Also, you don't need to buy one with a power supply so make sure you don't pay for that by accident, my friend did that and it cost him $50 more then if he had just payed attention to what he was buying...


Well-Known Member
I think that you think that the police think that you might be thinking about growing pot. I don't think that you need to think about what the police think about you growing pot unless you have an ongoing relationship with the cops coming over to your house un-announced. Otherwise I would go with CFL's to reduce heat.


Active Member
Yea im not worried about the cops I have alot of friends over and they have friends with them "Some who I don't trust" and Family who come over I don't want them to know that I grow.


Well-Known Member
use a bar fridge like i did.. with cfls, pc fan at the top and flat white paint.. fridge casing is great because it keeps humidity up! a comp case is just too small.. i cant see a plant grown in once yielding more than 10-14grams


Active Member
I cant believe other people have thought of this shit. Im doing it right now. Last year i grew outside and got my plant pretty tall but and bulky but it rained really really hard one night and and slowy died. So this year im trying it a computer case. I like how hidden it is. I say lets get some people trying this and posting pictures. I dont know much about any of this but couldnt this work pretty well for teenagers like me who are just wanting to grow a little of their own weed?
Ive been working on mine for about 2 weeks but will post some pics if anybodys interested.


Well-Known Member
Definitely CFLs. You can put any light you want in there, even a 1000 watt HPS if you want to. But if you use an HPS light, I'd pretty much expect you'll wake up one night smelling sizzling pot leaves if the plants survive long enough to do any growing. Not that that's a bad smell! ;)


Active Member
Hell no you couldnt barelt fit a 400 watt hos in there and it be at least 170 degress go to lowes get a mogul base work light liek a iguanae light clip ligth or we and they have a 65 watt compact florescan for 10 american dollars