Growing indoors without the parents finding out


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I know this is kind of a hot topic and everything, and most people who ask about this kinda seem well.... Retarded. They don't provide correct or all the information to get an accurate response or one that would help them out, so with that being said I will be providing my exact situation and all the nuances of my living condition. So Im 18 and I live with my parents. I obviously have my own room but with that being said I'm planning on moving out this summer. The reason I'm looking to grow is mainly because it sounds like an extraordinary amount of fun and I like challenges and obviously alittle extra cash never hurt anyone Im not interested in growing outdoors or waiting to move out of my parents place, replying back to this thread with something along those lines is pointless and doesn't help anyone. This will be my first grow and I'm only wanting to do 1 or 2 plants, purely out of space restrictions and lessening me getting caught by the parents. I know the materials I need but I'm mainly looking for the location. I'm thinking in my 3 foot tall cupboard or in my closet. Any suggestions of where and how I can reduce the smell and honestly how to do the whole thing stealthily would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys, Willybeast12

Don't be a freaking idiot. Grow up.

Your parents should disown you.


Well-Known Member
After replying earlier I had a revelation. If you want to take the responsibility solely on your self you need to do a guerrilla grow outdoors. If you live in the city well then its a no go but its your only real choice. Its hard to not get caught outside as well, the helicopters can see the plants with IR easily when its budding due to the reflective properties of the trichromes.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Just do an outdoor grow this year and move out. Don't involve your loved ones in this shit, because you will slip up one day. Hopefully it's fully legal before that day.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
After replying earlier I had a revelation. If you want to take the responsibility solely on your self you need to do a guerrilla grow outdoors. If you live in the city well then its a no go but its your only real choice. Its hard to not get caught outside as well, the helicopters can see the plants with IR easily when its budding due to the reflective properties of the trichromes.
I don't believe that to be true. I'm pretty sure they can just tell since cannabis is not indigenous to our land, it has a fluorescent glow. The sense heat. But even if your grow room is 80 degrees, your skin is 93 degrees at all times. Myth.


Active Member
get some led's that will keep the heat down and a small inline fan maby a 4" hooked up to a carbon filter. phresh filters makes a pretty small one less than a foot long. and maby a duct silencer for noise.

Oh and respect your parents wished also you might be living on the streets if they find out.....


Well-Known Member
I don't believe that to be true. I'm pretty sure they can just tell since cannabis is not indigenous to our land, it has a fluorescent glow. The sense heat. But even if your grow room is 80 degrees, your skin is 93 degrees at all times. Myth.
You've misunderstood me I believe. They can see the reflection of the IR they emit from the cannabis flowers outdoors. They see the heat emitting from your lights on an indoor grow but this is very rare unless its a huge grow. Its a fact that they differentiate cannabis from other plants, in the dense forests, because it reflects the IR. Read the article below.


New Member
okay so you wanna grow without your parents knowing.. step 1. get your own apartment bitch hahaha. step 2 grow weed. step 3 smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
Kids are funny but it can definitely work. This way won't get you caught. Hang up some garbage bags to create a square barrier and tell your parents you're selling human body parts. It'll definitely work