Growing just for seeds


Active Member
I've never grown, before, nor have I ever even smoked marijuana (yet I still fight for it as the I believe our laws regarding what we can do to yourselves are simply arcadian and utterly stupid), but a relative of mine has been diagonised with a severe medical problem and since I garden asked me if I knew anything about the cannabis plant as they are having problems getting their medical grow (with a state license, of course), get going.

My relative currently has just a few seeds and they were worried that maybe only one of them would prove to be a female plant and the others a male (if any others actually even sprouted. I mentioned that cannabis can be cloned just like we cloned our tomato plants over the last summer (cheaper than purchasing seeds of those expensive organic heritage strains) but they were wondering if one might set up a very small quick and small grow operation where the plants after only a few weeks of vegetation growing could be turned into flowering with both males and females left there to get seeds. In other words, they want to know if it's possibility to get seeds from a baby plant that has been set to flowering?

I hope this makes sense and isn't too stupid of a question. Right now, they are just trying to get a good amount of seeds for their outdoor grow over the summer as growing indoors is just too problematic (space, money, etc).


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New Member
There's a couple things that won't work too well with that plan.
First your growing outside, so you probably want quite a few seeds. Just that will require you to have alot of small plants or a few large ones.
and secondly, a small plant like your talking about will produce very weak seeds and very few that will even germinate.

To do a quick grow with decent quality and quantity seeds, you will need at least one male and one female plant vegged to a height of at least 2 feet, and will bloom to about 5 feet tall.


Active Member
I see.

Thank you for the information, I do appreciate it.

PS: I'll just tell my relative to get a NORML membership and see if they can get some seeds there.


Well-Known Member
you can mail order seeds as well, but cloning is really the way to go. one female can make many harvests of plants. talk them into growing indoors if you can. growing enough cannabis to last all winter would be illegal even with Rx.


Active Member
some guy told me that all male plants produce are male seeds and u have to make the male sex the girl plant to make random sexed seeds? is this too people

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
you can veg and flower a small plant and pollinate it the size of the plant doesnt matter. shoot for 12 inches then flower. pollinate 3 weeks or so into flower seeds take about six inches to mature you absoluteley dont need big plants for big healthy seeds i have produced thousands of seeds and made many crosses. making seeds is rather simple. even a small 18 or 20 inch plant if cared for will produce at least a hundred good seeds or more and some smokable bud. after you have made many seeds grow out quite a few sex them get a few of the strgongest females and clone now youll have seeds a-plenty and healthy female clones. if all plants are lost youll have seeds to start again with. store them in a glass vial in the fridge or frezzer with silica packets to absorb moisture and they last years:mrgreen:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
males do not produce seed only pollen. when this pollen reaches a female seeds develop in the female plant they will generally be about 50/50 male female ratio sometimes more females than males though or vice versa:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
a mother and a clone is the way to go, you need to grow indoors to this year around unless you live on the equator. It is a great way to be able to grow what you need and harvest as often as you like. I have a severely and permanently injured right foot and i grow to use for the chronic intense pain. I grow indoor with a mother and it works great for me.


Active Member
dude a easier and alot quicker way to get bulk seeds is to buy a realli shit oz
i bought a oz of leaf for 20 buks to try to make hash oil

it had so many seads in it

seads are fuck all to people every one uses clones if they grow weed

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
but then you have shit ounce d.n.a. in your seeds potency will suffer. most commercial strains are grown for profit and yield not end user satisfaction. make your own seeds and clones you will be pleased if done properly:mrgreen: