Growing males?!?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
If you keep Him isolated, you can feed him well, trim him well, he will keep you in fresh pollen. Take a pic, hang it with the Ladies.... they get all mushy & shit.
My Dumb Ass, done a couple branches of the Ladies, then turned the fan back on... for about 3 seconds. Once you pollenate whatever, don't turn the fan on, for at least 24 hrs.


Well-Known Member
when i found out i had males what i did was started practicing lst and topping on them to get ready
for future males are good for if i mess up at least it wasnt a female plant..oopps

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Nothing worth smoking. Pratice with them, use the root system in your organic soil, the microbes likes them.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yes..., I don't blow smoke. Dude, it's not like male or female root ststem makes a difference, it's all good. It's just that I kill the males, & the best productive thing I could do with males was to use the root system to help the soil. There is something in a dead root system that certain microbes loves, for some reason. I plant all my "Organic " root systens, but if you use chem ferts, no help. You have a Dead Zone, not good.