Growing Outdoors For My First Time


Active Member
I got some alright seeds from mids to practice on from my friend and I plan on planting them in this small wooded area behind my house and here is my situation.

My parents are a little suspicious of me still smoking Marijuana.
I can't go and buy fertilizer, potting soil, etc.

I would like to know a good watering schedule for them, and what I should do since I basically have no supplies.

At the moment they are germinating in my closet on a plate with a damp, folded paper towel underneath and hald of one covering the seeds with a bowl covering it all.

I appreciate your help in advance.


Well-Known Member
If your parents are already "suspicious" and you will have to sneak out to take care of your plants, haul water etc., I don't think it's going to work out for you. You could start them in the ground but I don't think it's going to amount to much. Post pics if I turn out to be wrong:shock:


Active Member
just use the native soil the woods has to offer, water it about twice a week unless you have rain then adjust your watering regiment. Be carefull and good luck.
im in the same boat bro....don't plant them in your yard it will be a pain in the ass to move....just find a good place in the woods and start from their...water once a week unless you get one inch of rain or more a week then don't. And if you have to water them just say your going out to bike around or ride. If its only once a week it won't be weird


Active Member
I can EASILY get out of my house to water them and shit, they aren't watching me like that. They're germinating right now and I'm going to be planting all of them in the normal soil in the woods since I don't have any potting soil.

The only thing I'm worried about is if it will grow without me providing any nutrients or food.
I'm not looking for a huge yield or anything, it's just some middies seeds that I'm practicing with and I'd be happy if I even got an ounce.


Well-Known Member
Nutrients and food definitely help. but you dont need them. if they get decent sun and water thats all they need. when youre haulin the water piss into it a little. it will give them an N boost when their vegging. A little bit of molasses or brown sugar even wouldnt hurt either


Active Member
Just tell your parents to suck a dick. If they don't like you growing pot in they're back yard, thats too bad they shouldn't have had sex to create you either. This is not up for discussion either, make it very clear to them


Well-Known Member
If I were you I wouldn't piss in them like NC is suggesting. Then, they'll smell like piss and ammonia. Yucky.

But just plant them in the wooded area and water them once to twice a week.
Make sure you pick the sunniest area you can find.

Plant food would help, but if you don't have it, thats fine. Please post pics when they get a few inches tall.
I'd like to see this grow.


Active Member
Thank you for all of the helpful information guys.

I will definitely post pictures when they are a few inches tall.
I just planted 4 of them today and I have another one growing in a cup inside of my computer case (sneaky sneaky)

I think I'm going to keep the one that I planted in the computer indoors.

A couple of quick questions:

1. With the plant I'm keeping indoors, do I need to give it light while it's sprouting? It's completely dark in there.

2. I don't want to get a full yield off the one I am growing indoors. I'd be happy to get an ounce maybe less and I want it before it matures completely so I can get rid of it ASAP.

I have a normal desk lamp that I'm going to be putting underneath the space in my desk with the plant under it and I'm going to be timing the amount of light it receives. When should I trigger the flowering stage and how long should I keep the light on it?

Like I said, I'm not trying to get the best results possible, I'm just doing a little experiment for fun.


Well-Known Member
kid. This really isn't going to work. Aside from the fact that you're a kid and you can't drive to get fertilizer or soil or ANYTHING, even if you were experienced enough at growing to pull it off, you parent's would probably catch your indoor grow and you'll be in big trouble. Im saying this to save you cause I tried the same thing when I was around your age. You could try the outdoor grow but don't try to grow anything in your house. And don't expect there to be more than a half ounce per plant. Not tryin to sound like an ass. Growing is great


Well-Known Member
ya man i mean i live with my parents but im 18 and can drive alogn with having a job and being able to fill my truck full of soil just be smart about it i would atleast go purcase some fox farms grow big liguid nutes like 15 bucks..


Well-Known Member
ya man i mean i live with my parents but im 18 and can drive alogn with having a job and being able to fill my truck full of soil just be smart about it i would atleast go purcase some fox farms grow big liguid nutes like 15 bucks..
Word man. I'm 18 too and growing in my basement. 100% stealth. Check out my journal. Do you have a journal or some pics I could check out?

I think if you can drive and order stuff from the mail you can pull it off but this kid is too young


Active Member
I'm 17 and I'm about to turn 18 I'm not really and I don't care how much I grow it's just a fun little side thing.


Active Member
Stop talking shit you fucker I just don't have enough money to order shit in the mail. I order whatever I want in the mail and they don't give a shit.


Active Member
Fuck it dude my mom just found my grand daddy purple clones and you know what i said to her. "GO SUCK A DICK MOM".. works everytime



Well-Known Member
are there stinging nettles around if so gather some up wear gloves for this put them in a bin half full of water untill these are submerged weigh down with a brick or something
then leave alone for 3-4 weeks stir once weekly after a month you have free ferts use 1-10 ratio of water to nettle juice and you should be all good there dont pour directly onto the leaves of the plant as this may burn them hope this helps in some way
also go as far out of your way as you think you can if its hard for you to get there its hard for any 1 to find it
respect brother hope your work pays off check out my grow thread im doing 10 plants outdoor guerilla style there about a month old now il b going there late sat night so will be updating pics sun if everything is allright and hasnt been comprimised


Active Member
are there stinging nettles around if so gather some up wear gloves for this put them in a bin half full of water untill these are submerged weigh down with a brick or something
then leave alone for 3-4 weeks stir once weekly after a month you have free ferts use 1-10 ratio of water to nettle juice and you should be all good there dont pour directly onto the leaves of the plant as this may burn them hope this helps in some way
also go as far out of your way as you think you can if its hard for you to get there its hard for any 1 to find it
respect brother hope your work pays off check out my grow thread im doing 10 plants outdoor guerilla style there about a month old now il b going there late sat night so will be updating pics sun if everything is allright and hasnt been comprimised
Thanks for your helpful information man.

The soil really isn't that good I think, although there are quite a bit of roots and worms and other things in the soil and there are tons of other plants growing around in the area I planted them in, although so far only one of them has broken the dirt and I can see it clearly.

I have 2 other seeds that I planted in a cup that have saran wrap on them behind my nightstand with a regular 15 watt energy saving bulb (yellow light) shining down on it for 16 hours everyday, one of them is about an inch tall and the other still has the seed on it and it barely broke the surface (it's planted in potting soil btw).

For the lighting schedule during the seedling phase should I have 16/8 or 18/6?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your helpful information man.

The soil really isn't that good I think, although there are quite a bit of roots and worms and other things in the soil and there are tons of other plants growing around in the area I planted them in, although so far only one of them has broken the dirt and I can see it clearly.

I have 2 other seeds that I planted in a cup that have saran wrap on them behind my nightstand with a regular 15 watt energy saving bulb (yellow light) shining down on it for 16 hours everyday, one of them is about an inch tall and the other still has the seed on it and it barely broke the surface (it's planted in potting soil btw).

For the lighting schedule during the seedling phase should I have 16/8 or 18/6?
iv used 10-6 and also 24 hrs on for the whole veg stage before