growing upside down?


New Member
This is one of the Topsy Turvy Marijuana plants that I have seen... Still grows mostly up.
thanks for the pic, but's outside and of course it's going to grow towards the sun, that's just a differnt type of lst really, but if you had the light underneth the would grow towards the light upside down.


New Member
that looks about putting one inside and putting a light on the floor? so it grows downward
that's exactly what I'm going to do, put my 400 watt on a chair or stool upside down and raise the plant or lower the light or both. I have to wait though I'm reduced to one closet now, that's why I'm flowering my mother. Next time around I'm gonna try this and make a journal.
Keep it green


I was just wondering about that tonight, too! Maybe I will try it. I just got my medicinal marijuana license earlier this year and have been growing 3 White Widow plants in my crawl space, but I am not sure that they are growing as fast as they should be. I have had some pretty small buds for a while now and they don't seem to be in a hurry to grow and I started wondering if they would grow better if I had started them upside down in the first place.

I would be very interested to know if anyone has already tried this as well.



I sounds like there are some people here that know what they are doing and I was just wondering if you might offer me some advice.

As I said before, I have 3 White Widow plants growing and they are flowering / budding and such, but they are still very small and it has been that way for quite some time and I wanted to know if anyone could tell me what to do to make them grow bigger, faster??

I have smoked for a while, but this is the first time I have grown since I got my medicinal license and I think I am doing something wrong, can anyone help?


Active Member
thats rude kushkat dont hijack someones thread start your own people here will get all bent out of shape


New Member
thats rude kushkat dont hijack someones thread start your own people here will get all bent out of shape
Fortunaltly I'm not a "dick" like some ppl on here, I really don't know what the big deal is if someone posts off topic, it's usually just a person new to the site and don't know how it to use it.
But to answer your question there pal....there are soo many different variables to answer that question, you need to give more info on your setup/strain.
Welcome to RIU, My best suggestion is to do alot of reading on here, there are ALOT of really good posts with all kinds of info. Good luck


Well-Known Member
theres a dude right now in the grow journal section , hes growing in a trailer in front of his house, and hes got some upside down plants in it, im sure you can find it, has been gettin bumped lately