Growing with Magnets...


New Member
Give me a break....People just grow your pot without trying to make it something weird and strange.I get so tired of these kind of threads.I'll put this one right beside the one with the guy that wanted to feed his plants vodka...just to see what would happen.
yipp am with him, ''i get it''


Well-Known Member
I'll give it a shot. If NASA is looking into it it should be worth a try. Couldn't hurt right? I have a few old speakers I wasn't using so I just popped the magnets out and they're sitting under my plants and one under each bottle of water. Should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Give me a break....People just grow your pot without trying to make it something weird and strange.I get so tired of these kind of threads.I'll put this one right beside the one with the guy that wanted to feed his plants vodka...just to see what would happen.
1. I'm not using any magnets. I just thought i would share some info i came across. I guess some people are "tired" of new ideas and research.

2. Vodka is toxic to plants, so it's hardly the same, but i cant stop u from lumping apples and oranges together.

3. Like i said b4 if NASA is researching it, than i will be open to the possibility that there MAY be something to it... thats all. I'm not buying any magnets or anything, just thought it was interesting and so did some other people...

I guess i just dont understand all the negative attitudes about it, when its obvious none of you are speaking from experience. if you dont like the thread than move on and leave it for someone who does, or if you tried magnet technique and it sucks balls, then speak up and say so...

i cant say if it's BS or not since i have no experience with it.


Well-Known Member
One thing about the cutting edge is that it has a tendency to hurt you sooner or later. :(
Cutting edge with my INFO... i like to be aware... i'm not even going to try this magnet thing (not enough research 4 me to try), i just wanted some feedback from anyone who has tried it or has more info about it because i like to learn. Some of the things i learn get put to practice and some dont.


Well-Known Member
We kinda already know that this is true. :o...:shock:

There are perfectly reproducible studies done on plant's growth/yields/weight/height/mutations/functioning in the presence of electromagnetic fields. Even a high school student could do this experiment with great ease. :dunce:

Magnets essentially create this effect. This isn't guesswork, theory, or "crap". Just good old science and experimentation with repetitive results. :clap:

We know that organic matter even "ages" differently in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields. Big enough ones distort space-time itself (like earth as someone mentioned before).

As for translating this into practical use for a practical mj grow...that gets tricky. It wouldn't take much of a field to have an effect in a limited space...but magnetic and electromagnetic fields disrupt "stuff". Not plant stuff so much as all the electrical equipment that we use to do indoor growing.

I wouldn't doubt that there are several ways to create a compact magnetic field that would result in a higher yield/quicker grow. Again, we know that this happens with other plants. Just a matter of implementation really (and probably not spending too much time in that growspace yourself).

So no need to flame poor jberry for putting out a topic that is legitimate in nature. Afterall, at some point someone came up with the idea of growing :leaf: in water ONLY.

Do you want to be the guy who called that idea crap. :dunce:

I appreciate the thread jberry. Hopefully someone like-minded and eager can stumble across this thread and get some more research going (too bad Einstein wasn't a stoner). :mrgreen:

Now stop making this new age science fuss before you get stoned to death or excommunicated already. We all know the damn world is a flat square. :lol:

-Butters :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hi wendy its Robin here could you file this under BS thanks.
okay, i give up... this shit made me laugh out loud for real...thanks buddy for making me smile for the first time in the last couple hours... the pictures finally came threw for ya!

no hard feelings on my end bro, I DO know where your coming from about the magnets... its not gunna change your yields... Still nobody likes to be disrespected and thats where i was coming from... I could give a damn about the magnet thing...but you made me laugh, so i'm over it...
hopefully you can get over it too.:fire:


Active Member
So looking into the Magnet thing a little more. It was a project that was started by NASA to help grow plants on the space station. Plants root towards gravity. By adding a natural Southern field they have shown that it Will increase the growth potential in a non-gravity environment. The same experiment was conducted on earth by USC students and it was shown that a southern polarity will increase the growth rate here. This has been tested by a ton of kids in schools around the world. I'll be honest and say that I'm trying it now. For $20 why not?


New Member
well best of luck to you, ill just be using mine to stick the kids pics to the fridge.
Am not sure how i feel about kids growing weed around the world, bet hey who am i to talk. lol


New Member
Not what I was saying. They tested it with other plants.
i looked at a science exp. a kid did
they had 3 pots
1 with magnets at bottom of dirt
1 with it on top
1 without
said it did not show growth significance but the magnets do something cuz the roots grew toward it and the plant shot away in all directions


that kooky new age hippy shit is real... even the labeling the bottle thing... its all very scientific... the man who discovered it is a world famous scientist (Masaro Emoto).
Masaru Emoto is not a scientist. He is a writer/photographer. He boasts credentials from "Open International University of Alternative Medicine" and when asked why he thought the frozen water droplets (referred to as crystals in his experiment) reacted to the messages on the bottles they were kept in, he replied with this: "I came to the realization that these crystals are spirits." He is not a scientist, he provides knowledge that is on the highest tier of bullshit that is possible. I know i have a very low post count here and my credibility will therefore be in question, but if you believe Masaru Emoto, you are just getting suckered in to a bunch of lies. He was offered $1, 000, 000 to recreate the experiment in a double-blind fashion by this organization: Oddly, he declined all that money. Emoto is a leading researcher in pseudoscience. This magnet thing, could work, i read an article about it the other day about an experiment done with radishes and they actually did grow larger. But the point of this post was don't have your water sitting around in bottles that say "peace" or "love". it is just water.


Well-Known Member
Masaru Emoto is not a scientist. He is a writer/photographer. He boasts credentials from "Open International University of Alternative Medicine" and when asked why he thought the frozen water droplets (referred to as crystals in his experiment) reacted to the messages on the bottles they were kept in, he replied with this: "I came to the realization that these crystals are spirits." He is not a scientist, he provides knowledge that is on the highest tier of bullshit that is possible. I know i have a very low post count here and my credibility will therefore be in question, but if you believe Masaru Emoto, you are just getting suckered in to a bunch of lies. He was offered $1, 000, 000 to recreate the experiment in a double-blind fashion by this organization: Oddly, he declined all that money. Emoto is a leading researcher in pseudoscience. This magnet thing, could work, i read an article about it the other day about an experiment done with radishes and they actually did grow larger. But the point of this post was don't have your water sitting around in bottles that say "peace" or "love". it is just water.

thanks 4 clearing that up, honestly, i did think he was a scientist, but i can see that you know much more about him than i do.( i saw a documentary where he had a small part, thought they said scientist)
I wasnt suggesting that people label their water, but if someone wanted to, I know for sure that it wouldnt hurt anything. Maybe their wasting their time but thats their choice and its not going to cause any harm.
and boxedin, dont worry about the low post count. judging a person by there post count is not always accurate and you seem smart enough, so i appreciate your opinion anyhow... But I have to admit I do enjoy pseudoscience and find it entertaining and interesting but i understand that its not for everyone. but I personally believe that positive thought is beneficial in many ways (weather it changes water or not, i dont know)... i guess i'm open to being out of the box, lol.
have a good one!