GrowSpecialist's Grow Room


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents, but trim the first five+ nodes from the bottom up, unless you like popcorn nugs.

Peace, hope your grow goes good!

why not just keep the bottom nodes and get those tiny popcorn nugs...all those add up dont they

just my $0.02


Well-Known Member
because they are more like air buds, no good to sell. plus these allows the plants to use more energy to the top of the plant letting the the big buds get bigger.


Well-Known Member
happy new year GrowSpecialist! this shit looks sexy :D wish i can do outdoor in dis time of the year here in BG lol its fuken cold and sno weverywhere...brrr


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cheetah.

Unfortunately I have decided to take my grow area down for a while. Its a long story but I'll try to give you the short version.

We have room mates. My ol ladie's mother happens to be one of em. When she went to Georgia, she met this dude and he became her boyfriend. She brought him back to Florida and he moved in. He is a raging alcoholic. He goes to the bar as often as possible and comes back disgustingly drunk and belligerent. My ol ladie's mom wants nothing more to do with him. She has threatened to call the cops on him and his response was that if she called the cops, he would tell them about my plants.

I want this scumbag out. I almost had to beat the shit out of him a few times (including last night). Our 5 yr old son doesn't need to be around his drunken bullshit... and neither do any of us who live here for that matter. Its time to get rid of him... and we can't really do that with these plants here because he will use them against us. So, I'm chopping them down and taking everything down for a while.

This way, he has nothing to blackmale us with and we can give him the boot when he gets his monthly check in a few weeks. If he doesn't leave willingly, we will have him removed by the police. Once he is out of the picture, I will start growing again.


Well-Known Member
good luck man...shitty situation but im confident youll pull out of it just fine man...

youre right man, your kid doesnt need to be around a belligerent fuck like that...

once again...good luck with your situation and hopefully you have a speedy recovery back to greenthumbin'




Well-Known Member
Thanks Cheetah.

Unfortunately I have decided to take my grow area down for a while. Its a long story but I'll try to give you the short version.

We have room mates. My ol ladie's mother happens to be one of em. When she went to Georgia, she met this dude and he became her boyfriend. She brought him back to Florida and he moved in. He is a raging alcoholic. He goes to the bar as often as possible and comes back disgustingly drunk and belligerent. My ol ladie's mom wants nothing more to do with him. She has threatened to call the cops on him and his response was that if she called the cops, he would tell them about my plants.

I want this scumbag out. I almost had to beat the shit out of him a few times (including last night). Our 5 yr old son doesn't need to be around his drunken bullshit... and neither do any of us who live here for that matter. Its time to get rid of him... and we can't really do that with these plants here because he will use them against us. So, I'm chopping them down and taking everything down for a while.

This way, he has nothing to blackmale us with and we can give him the boot when he gets his monthly check in a few weeks. If he doesn't leave willingly, we will have him removed by the police. Once he is out of the picture, I will start growing again.
Sucks to hear that man.

peace, and good luck