grr Toilet Paper...


Ursus marijanus

PLEASE explain why? I must disagree i pick A , my reasoning (yelling if needed) is that i'm a women and since i use it more i want A !!!! ;) No but seriously u can never find the end if u pick B and i always take way 2 much paper, not sure why, maybe i feel the need to tug slightly harder lol MEN are WRONG it's A all the way !!!
I grew up in a mode-B household. My wife of many years (now my ex of many ... oohh gotta stay nice) was also mode B. So was my xgf.
WHY would you want the paper's end to be more of a reach?? It's bad enough I have to do a side-stretch just to reach the :cuss: paper holder. Trying to do a "reacharound" on top of that landlord-installed bit o'bad ergonomics would be the straw to break the camel's back.
Mod A is ergonomically, metaphysically and morally just WRONG. :bigjoint: cn


Well-Known Member
If you like wiping your ass with 120 grit sandpaper then stick with Scotts...

If you like wiping your ass with cotton balls, use ANYTHING BUT SCOTTS!

Have a nice day :)


Pickle Queen
I grew up in a mode-B household. My wife of many years (now my ex of many ... oohh gotta stay nice) was also mode B. So was my xgf.
WHY would you want the paper's end to be more of a reach?? It's bad enough I have to do a side-stretch just to reach the :cuss: paper holder. Trying to do a "reacharound" on top of that landlord-installed bit o'bad ergonomics would be the straw to break the camel's back.
Mod A is ergonomically, metaphysically and morally just WRONG. :bigjoint: cn
I must disagree, my roll hangs about 2 feet away and having to spin the roll around to locate the end only ends with me wasting too much butt wipe, or worse i must stand b4 i get a good wipe and at that point the paper is not the only thing feeling shitty :)

I stand by mode A , my kittens also agree, i allows them to easily unwind an entire roll in only 16 paw wacks ;) lmfao

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Shit, I don't even have a tp holder. It usually ends up sitting on the edge of the bathtub and at least 2 times a month it falls in and gets wet.


Ursus marijanus
What argument?

Rule # 1 The female is ALWAYS right ;)
Maybe if you're an anglerfish or a black widow, or a praying mantis ... the species in which the MEN give head!

Q: If a man speaks in the forest, and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?
A: Yes dear. cn


Pickle Queen
Maybe if you're an anglerfish or a black widow, or a praying mantis ... the species in which the MEN give head!

Q: If a man speaks in the forest, and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?
A: Yes dear. cn
MMM those sound like yummy treats covered in chocolate, men are on this planet to open jars and amuse women with their pork sword.(Wait Carne is around 2 mentaly amuse me since i can't lure him to "the other side")
I'm sure all the female animals would say yes. But why is this man speaking to trees? and they say women are crazy hahahaha


Ursus marijanus
I was looking for a suitable photo to underline my indignation about the sudden and co-ordinated assault on polar bear hygiene ... but i found this. Does this epically rock, or what!! And it's on topic!! Nothing but win. cn


Pickle Queen
I was looking for a suitable photo to underline my indignation about the sudden and co-ordinated assault on polar bear hygiene ... but i found this. Does this epically rock, or what!! And it's on topic!! Nothing but win. cn
hahahah dude i have the reindeer keychain, fresh from the package lmfao oh the irony hahahaha im gonna take a pic hehehehe