Guerilla Growing in France.


Active Member
Hello all,

After two years of smoking contaminated hash or OK weed that costs a fortune I've finally gotten my lazy ass together and ordered some seeds of a weak but easy strain to grow outdoors called Early Special.

I have also found a decent place to start my first grow;-).
It's In a tiny foresty area in the middle of a field And this foresty place is surrounded by stinging nettles which is good because it lowers the chances of people going there.
They only problem is That this place also seems to attract Lots of insects
I will also have to worry about deer,rabbits and all the other animals.

Even though I haven't received the seeds yet I would still be interested in knowing what non costly methods are available to repel they insects and animals?

The plants will be placed in soil with a Ph of 6.2 and fed only water.
I will be feeding no nutrients to the plants as i don't like they idea of adding any chemicals to something that is Natural.

Does adding no nutrients to the plant mean that the potency will be low?
If so, What organic solutions are there?

Well that seems to just about sum everything up.



Well-Known Member
do a few searches and you will find a ton of info, for animals throw hunks of soap around, spread human hair, or go to a hunting store and get wolf/coyote/ bear urine and spread that around


Well-Known Member
If you are male, piss all around the plant-sight. Male hormones will repel animals, female will attract them.

Get some simple nutes.. some BIG black plastic bags.. good soil.. dig some holes.. place bags inside with mature plants.. feed once a week and treat for bugs.. laddybugs are good for a lot of insects.

Don't leave shit behind.. no tracks.. duct tape on bottom of shoes works well.. new path to the site(s) every time.

Just a lil information.. read some around here.. or just figure it out the hard way.. I prefer the former as I learned the hard way.

Damn deer.




Active Member
Thanks but I didn't quite understand the thing about big black plastic bags?

Are you saying i should use The bags instead of pots?

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Whereabouts in France are you from, if you dont mind me asking? Its best to use nutes, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont get the nutes with 6 months pre-packed or you will ruin your plants (learnt the hardway, FYI "Engrais" is french for nutes) Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Blood meal will keep deer and rabbits away (it's high in nitrogen so don't put too much around the base of your plant, but a bit is good for growth), neem oil will keep the bugs at bay, it's organic and non-toxic, and crushed egg shells spread around the base of your plants will keep slugs from getting to them.

You should be able to find these at your local supermarket, maybe not neem, but plant stores will have it.

It takes alot of eggshells to create an effective barrier against slugs so start saving now, I keep a coffee can in the kitchen just for it. There are alternatives to slug control but make sure they're friendly to plants. Good luck ;)


Well-Known Member
those are good tips for deer and rabbits and ect , for insects i use thin metal screening i just created a box i can fit however many plants in bugs will still get in but in the 2 weeks since ive had it up ive only seen 1 the screening should be thin enough to let sunlight in and you dont even have to open it you can just pour water right on top and it will leak threw