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Guide To Smoking Salvia Properly And Having The Most Profound Experience Possible

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Trip Into Your hidden Psyche

Salvia Divinorum (aka- Ska Pastora)

Family: Lamiaceae (Former: Labiatae)
Genus : Salvia
Species : Divinorum

Active Chemical: Salvinorin A
Dosage: 200–1,000 μg

Salvia Divinorum is a sprawling perennial herb found in the Sierra Mazatec region of Mexico. Its leaves contain the extremely potent Salvinorin A. It has a history of buccal use as a divinatory psychedelic, and has been widely available since the mid 1990s primarily as a smoked herb. Its effects considered unpleasant by many people cause profound life-changing experiences for others.



Short duration (when smoked)

Radical perspective shifting

Increase in sensual and aesthetic appreciation

Creative dreamlike experience

Insight into personal issues


Powerful open and closed eye visuals

General change in consciousness (as with most psychoactive substances)

Altered perceptions

Change in body temperature, flushing

Sensation of physical push, pressure, or wind

Sensation of entering or perceiving other dimensions, alternate realities

Feeling of 'presence' or entity contact

Dissociation at high doses, walking or standing


Overly-intense experiences

Fear, terror and panic

Increased perspiration

Possible difficulty integrating experiences

Higher doses can cause inability to control muscles and maintain balance: falls are reported.

Mild to moderate headache, usually starting after effects wear off

I'm looking to make this the first sticky for the Hallucinatory Substance section. I'm talking to Fdd2blk, CrackerJax, Gogrow; you guys know who I'm talking about. C'mon make a petition. Do something.

If you’re looking to try Salvia Divinorum and want to have the best experience possible, read this guide and follow it. If you do, you will have one of the most profound experiences of your life.

OK, start by finding a comfortable position, preferably sitting down in a quiet environment and preferably with a sitter if you’re new to the experience. Be in a calm, cheerful, state of mind. Be looking forward to the experience and if you’re scared at all DON’T DO IT. Being nervous is OK but if you’re scared you’re very likely to have a bad trip. Fill a water pipe, (bong) NEVER a regular pipe or a joint, with cool water and load the bowl with a full hit of Salvia. Light the Salvia and inhale as deeply (and hold in as long) as possible, half a minute is a common sweet spot. While holding in the hit it may be to your advantage to clear your bowl and reload the pipe. Upon exhalation take a couple deep breathes of fresh air then if you have the time before your trip hits you might want to take a second hit like as above. Before taking another hit you may want to empty the water pipe of the left over smoke from the previous hit since salvia smoke stales rapidly and make the next hit more difficult to inhale and hold for a length of time.

Depending on unknown
factors, or insufficient inhalations, some people may find it necessary to do a hit or two more. Two large hits have always been good for me, but I have a large lung capacity.
Those who are used to smoking are more likely to feel the effects of salvia simply due to the fact that their lungs are much better prepared to inhale a large amount of smoke.
One technique to use to bring in large volumes of smoke is to take a few deep breathes slowly, then exhale all the air in your lungs and then inhale from the water pipe.
One other technique that is often called reckless but quite effective is to continue loading and smoking until you no longer have the coordination to load anymore. I've tried this last technique before and it is really great for open eye visuals and a generally more psychedelic trip.

Most people don't feel
anything the first time they try salvia. They often feel ill, light headed, or nothing at all. They dismiss Salvia as “bullshit”. If you do not get any results after several attempts (you will know for sure if it hits), you are probably using a generic disposable lighter such as “Bic” and should use a torch lighter or a small propane torch (available at most hardware stores for under $35), in conjunction with a water pipe.
The high temperature flame will vaporize vast quantities of the active ingredient, far more than a standard lighter. The water pipe will cool the smoke and allow you to inhale more than smoking out of other types of pipes. This is combination is widely agreed to be the best method besides a vaporizer.
If you use a propane torch, don't trip alone. Make sure someone is there to turn off the torch. If the salvia hits in the middle of a toke, you might lose control of the torch. In fact, it is best to always have a sitter present when doing salvia, when it hits, it can transport you to another universe. After taking the necessary hits close your eyes, lay your head back on a comfortable support, and get your arms and legs in a comfortable open position that won't require you to move after the effects have begun.

When the effects begin
one might have a strong desire to open ones eyes or change ones position to reestablish equilibrium. It is important that you not do this. It is generally best to lay still with your eyes closed for the entire duration.
If you wish to attempt the experiment with eyes open I recommend staying as still as possible, having no moving objects in sight, and fixing ones eyes upon a motionless object. The initial peak will last for no more than three to five minutes while residual effects may carry on for ten.
With continued usage over time one becomes more adept at both noticing the effects of salvia and at exploring its landscape. As I continued using salvia I reached a peak experience and now the visions are becoming too familiar, failing in their once spectacular glory. Just because Salvia is readily available it shouldn’t be made everyday. It should be likened to Native American Peyote trances. A ritual.
The three most important factors in feeling the salvia experience are appropriate silence, lack of movement, and closed eyes. I have found that a lack of dialog, either from other participants, or from TV is of primary importance, but that instrumental music makes for a quite intriguing experience, especially if surround sound speakers are properly placed surrounding yourself.

Since silence is
such an integral part of the experience I've conducted sessions with only one person experimenting at a time. The participation of others during ones salvia experience can at times be a hindrance, but can often be reassuring.
If others are present when you are experimenting it is important that they too be as quiet as possible, both vocally and in their physical movements (no creaking in chairs or traversing hardwood floors, heavy breathing, or, the hardest thing for an observer to hold back, laughter J).
I've always required of other participants/observers that they be still so as to cause no noise. During the experience a new landscape is opened up, one without borders, and space can appear to go on infinitely.
Usually this landscape is one that can shift from one scene to the next without apparent provocation and which resembles a rapid succession of unconscious material forcefully trying to push itself into conscious awareness.

If someone makes noise
or speaks the dreamlike vision may be lost or altered since the noise, and where it is located in space, can still be comprehended by the conscious and rational mind.
This causes the mind of the experimenter, which can be quite conscious of two realities at once, to become aware of the inconsistency between these realities, and this can, and in my case usually does, alter the experience to make the realities consistent again.
What the motionless body allows the mind to do is to slip deeper into the 3 dimensional nature of the vision. If the body is moved the vision will often alter or slip away.
In some way the physical body defines the inner landscapes of the vision. My only way to explain this is to say that the conscious rational mind retains awareness of consensus reality while under the influence of salvia.

Since salvia creates
an altered reality trapped in your mind, body movement causes a dichotomy of awareness which can cause the mind to attempt reconciliation between these realities. Consensus reality often wins, causing the vision to dissipate, or at least lose its convincing nature.
This sort of dual awareness is also played out with sight, which may be why many who attempt to feel the effects of salvia, and have failed to try closing their eyes, cannot. By having ones eyes open the mind appears to be unconsciously forced to recognize one reality over the next and therefore cannot fall deeply into the full salvia experience.
Of course these forces can be overcome if enough salvia is smoked. Large doses of extracted salvia force true reality to the wayside, regardless of surroundings, and the altered reality unchallengeably to the forefront.

The main physical effects that I have noticed are a feeling of a rise of body temperature and a slight tightening of the muscles, especially in the hands. I found that if I consciously focus on relaxing my body during this tensioning that I would be pulled further into the vision. This fits into my theory of dichotomy.

I've also found
that after the main effects have worn off short term memory may be slightly impaired. For example, I kept forgetting about my lit cigarette in the ashtray. I would lay it down and then, in what appeared to be a couple minutes; it would be completely burned down to the filter.
Salvia has what is known as a reverse tolerance which means when you use it you need less every time. When you are smoking it your tolerance for it drops dramatically. For example if it takes two tokes to make you trip, to trip harder you only need one toke, harder half a toke and so on. As you continue your salvia usage and become an experienced salvia user you’ll notice you need less and less to get your desired effects. Possibly to the degree that a single toke of salvia leaves can make you pass out. Which means you may need to take a hiatus from your salvia use.

One may also notice an inability to recall many of the aspects of the vision and may suffer from incoherent speech. The incoherent speech is very important in attempting to interpret the experience.
Just as in Freudian dream psychoanalysis the mind make attempts to fill in the blanks of the vision with coherent structure, basically by adding material to make the vision make sense. But the visions in themselves are unconscious material coming up to a conscious level and this is very difficult to fully interpret.
When a participant comes down from the experience with me I remain completely silent, allowing the partaker to speak freely without my interjections or my attempts to make sense of what is being said.
Let them freely speak, without the criticism of the all too common laughter, and try to form a new mental picture from remembered material. Let them have enough quiet time to digest what has happened so that they might come to their own personal understanding.

The main psychological effects
seem to be dissociation from ones physical surroundings. One becomes aware of other surroundings and of communication with alien, though not necessarily extraterrestrial or spiritual, beings. Often theorized to be your “inner self” or “inner thoughts come to life”.
One of the more interesting factors I have found with salvia is its ability to cause laughter, often even uncontrollably so. Rarely have I seen fear from smoked foliage, but with salvia, I understand it is common.
Of course these are only my own observations and I make no guarantees of the same effects for others. Lastly, a not thoroughly tested observation is that marijuana smoked beforehand interferes with the effects of salvia and that the effects of salvia plateau, thereby requiring a rapid succession of hits.

Obtaining Salvia

You should be aware that salvia suitable for smoking purposes is available in different strengths and forms, for the sake of your own health always get standardized extract when possible, see below for more info.

--- Normal Salvia Leaves are just that, leaves that have been harvested and dried.

--- High Grade Salvia Leaves come from premium plants, similar to high grade marijuana compared to a standard strain.

--- Crude Extract (non-standardized) is prepared by mixing crude salvia extract with Salvia Divinorum leaves. This has high concentrations of tars and other harmful components of the leaf. It is usually described by a number followed by an x (such as "5x," "10x," etc). The number indicates the ratio of extract to leaf. For example 'Salvia Divinorum 10X Organic Extract', is prepared by mixing one unit of leaf with the tar-like crude extract obtained from nine units of leaf. The resulting product is ten times as potent as the leaves used to produce it.

--- Standardized Extract is prepared by extracting pure salvinorin A (the active principal of the plant), then adding a measured quantity back onto Salvia Divinorum leaves to bring them up to a specific, reliable, and consistent level of potency. This type of product is time consuming to prepare, but is far superior to crude-extract enhanced leaf. Products that have been prepared in this manner have particularly good burning characteristics because they do not contain the tar-like, gummy chemicals found in crude extracts. Since the impurities have been removed during the extraction process, they won't end up in your lungs.

In the past, salvia was available legally in most areas of the world. However, it is being made illegal in more countries as time passes. In the USA, salvia is illegal (when used as a drug) in Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, And Virginia. Other states are likely to place restrictions on the plant in the future. It used to be easy to buy salvia online, which is the preferred method of purchase, but it is becoming harder to do so. If you want to try some, it might be a good idea to do it now, before it is illegal.
If you find a source, don't pay more than
$30 for a gram of 20x standardized extract
$25 for a gram of 15x standardized extract
$20 for a gram of 10x standardized extract
$15 for a gram of 5x standardized extract

When smoked (in the ways described), the effects of salvia can be overpowering and overwhelming. If it is your first time trying salvia use the table below to find the dosage you should start at:
normal salvia leaves: 1/2 - 1 gram
high grade salvia leaves: 1/4 - 1/2 gram
salvia extract 5x: 1/10 - 1/3 gram
salvia extract 10x: 1/10 gram
salvia extract 15x: 1/20 gram
salvia extract 20x: 1/20 gram

You can buy high grade salvia leaves (foliage) and standardized extract that is ideal for smoking purposes from a reliable, legitimate supplier located here. They ship from the USA to most areas of the world where salvia is legal. However, they don't ship salvia to Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Virginia.

If you like salvia by itself, you may wish to test it by smoking some during Mescaline, Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, and LSD excursions if it is legally acceptable. It might also be interesting to try salvia in conjunction with smoked DMT.

If you find salvia to be too strong of an experience, try smoking a combination of salvia, marijuana, and damiana and/or passion flower. 1 part salvia - 1 part marijuana - 1 part damiana and/or passion flower. The mixture smoothes out some of the rough edges associated with salvia ingestion.

The best combination I have found so far is salvia and kava. Try ingesting a moderate dose of kava. When you feel the kava start to hit, try smoking salvia as described above. Kava is very good at reducing anxiety and producing a feeling of well being.

Well this is the end of the guide hope you decide to try salvia, wonderful plant.
So follow this guide when you smoke Salvia Divinorum...and you will reach the amazing Salvia Divinorum effects you seek, let me know how this guide helped you and anything I might need to change... Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Im sure no one is going to read it all. I did. Always PEAs your good. Sticky this you selfish mods! Also would stop a new salvia thread from popping up every single day.
I smoked a 20x salvia mix before and it was a very bad experience. There were cartoons on in the other room (wow wow wubzy!) and it just tripped me out!

Forget Salvia, grow your own green

I have dedicated a blog with step by step instructions on how to properly grow your green. Check out my page at:



Could do with a section on which of the trade brands are decent and which are just garden variety cooking herbs, like some seem to be.
Im sure no one is going to read it all. I did. Always PEAs your good. Sticky this you selfish mods! Also would stop a new salvia thread from popping up every single day.
They should! It's a very interesting read even if you aren't planning on smoking Salvia.
Thank you, thank you. :-)
It's literally the perfect sticky for this section! If they're so paranoid that their lawyers will tell them they can't have a sticky about an illegal substance than this is the perfect thread! Salvia! Not illegal at all!

alright!! Im looking forward for my next trip to Mexico... +REP to you!
Thank you! Glad I could help.

I smoked a 20x salvia mix before and it was a very bad experience. There were cartoons on in the other room (wow wow wubzy!) and it just tripped me out!

Forget Salvia, grow your own green

I have dedicated a blog with step by step instructions on how to properly grow your green. Check out my page at:
Why are you advertising your blog on how to grow marijuana in the hallucinatory substance section of a marijuana growing forum??
If you reread the first paragraph of this guide (assuming you read it in the first place...) you will find that Salvia's effects on different people was already made apparent.
But your of course welcome to reiterate it if you so chose.


Could do with a section on which of the trade brands are decent and which are just garden variety cooking herbs, like some seem to be.
Like Purple Sticky Brand Salvia?? Why it's a ripoff?? Yes Purple Sticky Brand Salvia has become unbelievably popular in recent years, its because they combined aggressive marketing and their location in California (well known for its large number of smoke shops) to spread their products and name brand fast. Along with the time they started which was right when Salvia was gaining popularity caused them to be the foremost name in the Salvia world. The truth is that if you remember in the guide under "Obtaining Salvia" when I talked about "Standardized" and "Non-Standardized" Salvia extracts and how Non-Standardized is full of concentrations of tar and other harmful components of the leaf you might realize that that tar makes the crude extract gummy and sticky. Which to the uneducated potsmoker would be a sign that the shit he's smoking is a highly potent substance. You see where I'm going with this? Purple Sticky Brand Salvia is nothing more than Non-Standardized Salvia extract. In fact it's no better than BBB's Non-standardized extract. So when people say it's a rip-off, fuck, it's more than the truth.


Well-Known Member
Excellent guide but anyone who doesn't know how to use salvia or doesn't have general knowledge of it should not be taking it.

If anyone likes downers as much as me, you should check out "Herkinorin" is an analogue of Salvinorin A which could possibly have fentanyl-like potency and effect. Funny how a little change in structure can turn salvia from a powerful k-opiod agonist into a powerful u-opiod agonist.

For the lazy people:


Pretty interesting thing about Kerkinorin, it is not likely to cause any tolerance build up. So one would be able to keep a steady dose constantly without much, if any, tolerance build up. Also, since it will have fentanyl-like potency, the dosage would be even less than Salvinorin A so if one had a few plants and the synthesis became widely available, that person would have a never ending supply of an extremely powerful depressant.

I believe the synthesis is not out because it will definitely get salvia scheduled immedately in all states and most countries. But I also believe when salvia is made illegal, it will be revieled.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Should def. be a sticky.. it would eliminate the numerous weekly salvia posts.. +rep :-D
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