
what about fairy dust and racial segregation and pedophilia?

On one hand you correctly malign a forced sexual interaction. On the other hand you encourage another kind of forced interaction.

So yes, what about fairy dust? Does it cure cognitive dissonance ?
You are saying that everyone on the planet should suddenly and spontaneously decide to have a panarchy....

Or dont you realize that without it there would be a coercive monopoly somewhere on the planet to threaten your ideal society.

I feel bad for you Rob, I really do. Because you do not seem to comprehend that not everyone has your values or world view. And somehow given the history of the planet you expect everything to be able to be different than it has been.

You cannot explain conflict resolution in a succinct manner. When I brought up scenarios using your panarchy you started forming vigilante parties to dispense justice. Your first act as a panarchist was to create a group of people and give them the right of judgement over another individual and sanction to violate your own stated laws to dispense justice because "he broke the law first'.

Yes, we need the strongest group on the planet to protect us from other groups that do not share the same views as we do and seek to obtain the finite resources that we claim on the planet.

It may be a crappy system but it is the best crappy system we have.

I am for less government, not no government.
You are saying that everyone on the planet should suddenly and spontaneously decide to have a panarchy....

Or dont you realize that without it there would be a coercive monopoly somewhere on the planet to threaten your ideal society.

I feel bad for you Rob, I really do. Because you do not seem to comprehend that not everyone has your values or world view. And somehow given the history of the planet you expect everything to be able to be different than it has been.

You cannot explain conflict resolution in a succinct manner. When I brought up scenarios using your panarchy you started forming vigilante parties to dispense justice. Your first act as a panarchist was to create a group of people and give them the right of judgement over another individual and sanction to violate your own stated laws to dispense justice because "he broke the law first'.

Yes, we need the strongest group on the planet to protect us from other groups that do not share the same views as we do and seek to obtain the finite resources that we claim on the planet.

It may be a crappy system but it is the best crappy system we have.

I am for less government, not no government.

So a decisive attack against an ISIS stronghold of Spec/Ops trainees,.. was ignored by Obama because Libya has no stable government. A chance to turn the tide against ISIS never happened, but you know what did ?? Every single Candidate this time around has pledged to destroy iSIS with overwhelming forces. Not one single Candidate has mentioned the chance we had from the Pentagon, to make a decisive attack and put serious damage to moral and troop tactics used by ISIS.

Last night, Bush,.. Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden,...Trump, George W had a chance too,... nobody said,.. Obama let ISIS slip away by refusing to act when the Pentagon said now is the time. CinC`s, you gotta have the right one`s and ISIS sure loves our current.

The constitution is written on a single piece of paper.

Up to this point you have not explained your system satisfactorily. Now you compare democracy with the Aztec culture of Sun Worship and human sacrifice. We know there is better and live in it.

Can you explain how everyone on the planet is going to spontaneously become a Panarchist??? Trump!! Just because...... ellipses....
The constitution is written on a single piece of paper.

Up to this point you have not explained your system satisfactorily. Now you compare democracy with the Aztec culture of Sun Worship and human sacrifice. We know there is better and live in it.

Can you explain how everyone on the planet is going to spontaneously become a Panarchist??? Trump!! Just because...... ellipses....

What is the purpose of the U.S. constitution ?

So a decisive attack against an ISIS stronghold of Spec/Ops trainees,.. was ignored by Obama because Libya has no stable government. A chance to turn the tide against ISIS never happened, but you know what did ?? Every single Candidate this time around has pledged to destroy iSIS with overwhelming forces. Not one single Candidate has mentioned the chance we had from the Pentagon, to make a decisive attack and put serious damage to moral and troop tactics used by ISIS.

Last night, Bush,.. Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden,...Trump, George W had a chance too,... nobody said,.. Obama let ISIS slip away by refusing to act when the Pentagon said now is the time. CinC`s, you gotta have the right one`s and ISIS sure loves our current.

Do you think there is any possibility that all of the various "terrorists" in the middle east are acting in a defensive way to oust western powers etc. ?
So a decisive attack against an ISIS stronghold of Spec/Ops trainees,.. was ignored by Obama because Libya has no stable government. A chance to turn the tide against ISIS never happened, but you know what did ?? Every single Candidate this time around has pledged to destroy iSIS with overwhelming forces. Not one single Candidate has mentioned the chance we had from the Pentagon, to make a decisive attack and put serious damage to moral and troop tactics used by ISIS.

Last night, Bush,.. Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden,...Trump, George W had a chance too,... nobody said,.. Obama let ISIS slip away by refusing to act when the Pentagon said now is the time. CinC`s, you gotta have the right one`s and ISIS sure loves our current.
US ground troops in Libya...the best recruiting tool ISIS would ever have.
So a decisive attack against an ISIS stronghold of Spec/Ops trainees,.. was ignored by Obama because Libya has no stable government. A chance to turn the tide against ISIS never happened, but you know what did ?? Every single Candidate this time around has pledged to destroy iSIS with overwhelming forces. Not one single Candidate has mentioned the chance we had from the Pentagon, to make a decisive attack and put serious damage to moral and troop tactics used by ISIS.

Last night, Bush,.. Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden,...Trump, George W had a chance too,... nobody said,.. Obama let ISIS slip away by refusing to act when the Pentagon said now is the time. CinC`s, you gotta have the right one`s and ISIS sure loves our current.

I'm probably wasting my time telling you this.. You sound like a crazy man who has little grip on reality.

The best thing we could do is stay out of the middle East, Everything we do backfires, Troops on the ground is one of the dumbest things I've heard suggested.. When you occupy foreign land its very easy to unite just about everyone to get you out.
When you occupy foreign land its very easy to unite just about everyone to get you out.

That is simply not true. After Saddam Hussein was ousted there were daily terrorist attacks with suicide bombers and car bombs. Iraqi citizens started turning in known terrorists to the troops, to the authorities, to be "brought to justice". Order and peace was restored, the infrastructure was restored thanks to Bush and engineers and contractors like Halliburton, Exxon, . Baghdad markets returned to normalcy where daily attacks were common. All of what's listed for the reconstruction effort has gone to hell -

Now that Obama has pulled our troops the entire Middle East is a shit hole of mayhem, destruction, barbarism......
You sound really clueless, there was complete n utter chaos, women getting raped like a sport, no electricity.. Isis was formed in Iraqi prisons because of the chaos. What you are portraying never happened, its a ridiculous fantasy.
I'm probably wasting my time telling you this.. You sound like a crazy man who has little grip on reality.

The best thing we could do is stay out of the middle East, Everything we do backfires, Troops on the ground is one of the dumbest things I've heard suggested.. When you occupy foreign land its very easy to unite just about everyone to get you out.

Probably wasting my time tell you this.. The training camp would have been eliminated by a Marine led drop and pull-out the following day or maybe three. A push Front doesn`t mean occupy.

Two maybe three days for the 100 or so miles of coastline in question. Easy pickings because we had the advantage. The best way to leave that area is by boat. It`s also the best way in.

There`s an LHD over there, the only action you`ve seen in the last 16 years is air strike and politician run Generals sending scouts out to be killed.

You haven`t seen what a Skipper with an A-WAC and 500 heavily armed, and amored strike force can do in two days. He`ll send them now, then get there in time to pull out.

Nobody on the strike force stays. If there`s any squared Maries on this thread, they know you got your fucking hands full with them.

That would put a target on Obama. For sure......ellipses.
You sound really clueless, there was complete n utter chaos, women getting raped like a sport, no electricity.. Isis was formed in Iraqi prisons because of the chaos. What you are portraying never happened, its a ridiculous fantasy.

This absurdity, ignorance really needs to quoted. No credibility, no clue.




  • In April 2003, Congress approved approximately $2.5 billion largely for immediate relief aid -- such as food, medicine, and water -- through the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF). Today 97% of these funds have been disbursed.
  • In November 2003, Congress added $18.4 billion to the IRRF to help Iraq with general reconstruction needs.
  • As of February 2006, we have disbursed $10.5 of the $18.4 billion, funding projects in the security, economic, and political spheres. 83% of the $18.4 billion has been obligated to projects. We have a detailed plan for projects using the remaining funds that will be completed before the close of the 2006 fiscal year.
  • Iraq's reconstruction needs are at least $55 billion, per the UN and World Bank. US assistance is part of an ongoing international effort.
  • IRRF projects have transitioned from large infrastructure projects to smaller, quick disbursing projects that jumpstarted the Iraqi economy, and to projects that are building Iraqi capacity to sustain and manage the country's infrastructure over time.
  • Under Saddam Hussein, Iraqis' standard of living deteriorated rapidly. Iraq's per capita income had dropped from $3,836 in 1980 (higher than Spain at the time) to $715 in 2002 (lower than Angola).
  • Today, free elections are transforming Iraq. Economic recovery is also picking up, with GDP growing from $18.9 billion in 2002 to $33.1 billion in 2005.

The US Congress authorized $20.9 billion in civilian funds to help reconstruct Iraq in the three and one half years immediately following Operation Iraqi Freedom in April 2003. The US is using these funds to jumpstart the rebuilding and reform processes in Iraq, at a time when Iraq's needs are enormous.

The goal of US reconstruction assistance to Iraq is to help the Iraqi government develop a democratic, stable, and prosperous country, at peace with itself and its neighbors, enjoying the benefits of a free society and a market economy.


Iraq's development potential was wasted over a generation of wars and bad governance.

  • Iraq's per person income had dropped from $3,836 in 1980 (higher than Spain at the time) to $715 in 2002 (lower than Angola).
  • Saddam's one-man rule, supported by the Baath Party's pan-Arab ideology, stunted the development of institutions that could reflect the diverse nature of the country. Iraq was a closed society, without an independent judiciary, free press, or free access to outside sources of information.
  • The Iraqi public services infrastructure was on the verge of collapse after 20 years of neglect, with little to no investment in many key areas. The few investments made were highly politicized, and the south in particular was under-funded, affecting health, education, and standard of living.
  • The Iraqi education system indoctrinated a generation of children and did not provide them the skills needed to manage and grow an economy.
The World Bank and UN in October 2003 estimated Iraq's reconstruction needs at $55 billion over four years.

  • Iraq had accumulated more foreign debt as a share of GNP than any other country, with roughly $124 billion in debt owed to foreign governments and corporations.
  • Banking was dysfunctional, with no credit facilities or effective payments system.
  • The agriculture sector was unable to provide a dependable source of food and income. The Government imported food rations and distributed them freely to all citizens, sapping the sector of its competitive ability.
  • With sanctions following the Gulf war, Iraq became a closed economy dominated by inefficient state-owned enterprises and no incentive to raise productivity.
  • Only 5.5 million of Iraq's 25 million population had access to a safe and stable water supply. Iraq's cities suffered from inadequate sewage systems.
  • Iraq averaged 4,300 MW of peak electricity generation, supplying Baghdad with 12-24 hours of power a day by diverting power from the rest of Iraq, left with 4-12 hours.
  • Only select senior members of the Baath Party had access to satellite television, cell phones, or the Internet.


I rest my case,
Uncle Ben
You sound really clueless, there was complete n utter chaos, women getting raped like a sport, no electricity.. Isis was formed in Iraqi prisons because of the chaos. What you are portraying never happened, its a ridiculous fantasy.

"We will be greeted as liberators."
I tossed Bernie a hundo, 200$ to animal rescue and 200$ to St Jude Children's.. I'm tapped out for donations... You don't seem to understand that when our troops show up, radicals disperse and recruit.. Our occupying their land makes recruiting much easier, Do you think we should stay there forever? Do you have any idea how many Iraqi cities are under control of jihadists? Iraq is a much worse place now then it was 15 years ago.. Not only is iraq more fucked up, the whole region is.