HAHA I love it.. He deserves it!!


Well-Known Member
wish it made more sence haha ratshit i got no speakers
Learn how to lip sync :mrgreen:

I honestly feel bad for you. Its hilarious (or at least I thought it was)..

Basically people keep on calling Bush out for how he is a liar, and war criminal. They made him look like the complete ass that he is.




Well-Known Member
This why America is a great country. I'm sure that woman is alive and well as I write these words.

Imagine what would have happened if such an occurrence took place in Zimbabwe, or some other third world paradise.


Well-Known Member
This why America is a great country. I'm sure that woman is alive and well as I write these words.

Imagine what would have happened if such an occurrence took place in Zimbabwe, or some other third world paradise.
Hmm.. wait that never happens there cause yeah they'd be fucked.

God bless America! :joint:


Well-Known Member
i've been watching ron paul videos on youtube..this dude is the shit..i never was interested in politics but i'm liking his opinions on shit


Well-Known Member
i've been watching ron paul videos on youtube..this dude is the shit..i never was interested in politics but i'm liking his opinions on shit
Ya bro. :D

Thats why I sign every post I make with "RON PAUL REVOLUTION".. Its because the people have a right to know Americas true potentials. You need to know that the media and the gov't are sleeping together, and they don't tell you what they don't want to.

I was never political until I learned about RON PAUL and then how he got blacklisted from the Main Stream Media(MSM). They didn't put him on TV not because he wasn't liked by the people, but because hes a threat to the gov't.

He wants to abolish INCOME TAX (the IRS) and the "Federal" Reserve..

Watch these if you want to self educate yourself a little bit.. (These vids might seem lame, because of the gay narrator , but there is GREAT info contained in them. Learn the history the gov't doesn't want you to know.)

The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie



Enjoy :D




Well-Known Member
Jefferson would have had bush hung for war crimes.....the nerve of this asshole stepping foot onto monticello


Well-Known Member
You can thank Bush and his administration for our dollar being worth shyt and thats the reason why oil prices are so high.
High oil prices and inflation are not as related as you think. Oil prices are so high partly because of speculation, but mostly because of restricted supply from OPEC and increasing demand among Americans.

But either way, yeah...Bush is a cunt.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter if it's true, Pseudonym. Everyone blames Bush for everything. Gas prices, global warming, hang nails..

At first I was shocked at the unbelievable shit people come up with but now its so common that it doesn't even phase me anymore. People won't listen, they just so wrapped up in the ignorant fad that neither reason nor logic will deter the mindset of blind hate.


Well-Known Member
Jefferson would have had bush hung for war crimes.....the nerve of this asshole stepping foot onto monticello
This is whats hilarious right here.

People don't know history, all they know is what is right now. CNN tells you Bush's administration fails and you believe it. You don't what other presidents have done so you have nothing to compare and just assume.

You want to know war crimes? Check out the administrations of

Jackson, slaughtered untold amount of Indians, burned them alive
Lincoln, Suspension of habeas corpus and threw people in jail without trial
FDR, Wow where to begin, put all our Japanese in camps, besides putting people he didn't like on trial, he put them in a mental hospital for "psychiatric evaluation"
Truman, Nuked two Japanese cities, not military bases, cities.

People don't know anything, just what trendy in today's society. Disgusting. You should be hung for your audacity and sheer stupidity.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter if it's true, Pseudonym. Everyone blames Bush for everything. Gas prices, global warming, hang nails..

At first I was shocked at the unbelievable shit people come up with but now its so common that it doesn't even phase me anymore. People won't listen, they just so wrapped up in the ignorant fad that neither reason nor logic will deter the mindset of blind hate.
Because we borrowed so much money from China it devalued our dollar. If we never went to war we wouldn't have to spend (and borrow) as much. When Clinton was in office we had a surplus of money and the dollar was good. Bush gets into office and goes to war and borrows lots of money, and thusly devaluing the US dollar.

How Bush Devalued The Dollar » Propeller




Well-Known Member
I am merely trying to put a leash on people's rampant imagination. If you let one little misinformation pass, it'll snowball to more and more ridiculous accusations. You people don't know what the hell you talking about.


Well-Known Member
Because we borrowed so much money from China it devalued our dollar. If we never went to war we wouldn't have to spend (and borrow) as much. When Clinton was in office we had a surplus of money and the dollar was good. Bush gets into office and goes to war and borrows lots of money, and thusly devaluing the US dollar.

How Bush Devalued The Dollar » Propeller


Price of oil is killing the dollar. We aren't borrowing money from China for war, we are borrowing money to buy gasoline. The dollar did not start to devalue till the price of oil went up.

Clinton raised taxes three times, thats why we had a surplus. Bush lowered taxes. You do the math.


Well-Known Member
Price of oil is killing the dollar. We aren't borrowing money from China for war, we are borrowing money to buy gasoline. The dollar did not start to devalue till the price of oil went up.

Clinton raised taxes three times, thats why we had a surplus. Bush lowered taxes. You do the math.
The price of oil is not devaluating the dollar. The dollar started to fall years ago way before we were in the oil crisis we are today. The dollar is failing because of market speculation (specifically the housing market), mammoth debt, fluctuating interest rates, lack of investment, and a declining stock market. All of which feed off of and fuel each other. But whenever a bubble is created, it must burst. And with the burst comes a recession.

So here we are.

I'm actually very pleased that the economy is declining. It's good news for my generation. When I get out of college, houses are going to be ridiculously cheap, wages are going to be high, and investments will have larger and safer returns. I'm excited.


Well-Known Member
The price of oil is not devaluating the dollar. The dollar started to fall years ago way before we were in the oil crisis we are today. The dollar is failing because of market speculation (specifically the housing market), mammoth debt, fluctuating interest rates, lack of investment, and a declining stock market. All of which feed off of and fuel each other. But whenever a bubble is created, it must burst. And with the burst comes a recession.

So here we are.

I'm actually very pleased that the economy is declining. It's good news for my generation. When I get out of college, houses are going to be ridiculously cheap, wages are going to be high, and investments will have larger and safer returns. I'm excited.
Oil is the major issue, it happened during the last oil crisis in the 70's.
Speculators are the major issue, just like in the housing crisis. The price of a barrel skyrocketed overnight. You can thank Congress and their lack of foresight, (and hindsight, its happened before) for passing that law.

I see your basic issue here, you are in College and have been influenced by your professors. A propaganda machine that Josef Goerbels would be proud of. China was given 'most favored trade status' by Clinton, right after he got a half a million dollars from a Chinese national. They do have about a trillion US dollars in cash they are holding, sorta like blackmail. They have not as of yet released it on the world currency.

If you have to blame someone for China, thank Clinton. But hey, don't think about it, or research it, just blame Bush. See how easy it is.


Well-Known Member
Zen...... Buddy......

I feel really bad for you bro. I didn't realize this until I got stoned, but I know what your problem is.

You and your family started liking the Bush family after 911 and thought he was such a HONORABLE president. You cant get over the fact that BUSH fucked his country. You seriously can't come to terms that Bush was a horrible president and fucked the USA for his selfish agendas.

Or do you have family members that are in the military and you can't come to terms that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES would pull such a atrocious act, such as 911.. And then sends your family member to war because of and unjust war.. (I hope I'm not hurting your feelings)

Is that what the problem is? Zen, please give me an honest response. :D

Let me paint a clear picture for you!

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc Dick Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton until he became the Vice President of the united states.

YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR Halliburton is the leading company that the gov't pays to rebuild Iraq. These people get WAY overpaid by the US gov't. Haliburton charges 99 dollars to the US tax payer for every load of laundry. Go figure....

So.... Dick Cheney, ex-CEO of Haliburton becomes VP of the united states. Dick Cheney makes millions of dollars off of the IRAQ WAR. I doubt he left his buddies when he became VP of the USA. He was the FUCKING CEO of Haliburton. How much more information do you need?

911 was an inside job!



Oil is the major issue, it happened during the last oil crisis in the 70's.
Speculators are the major issue, just like in the housing crisis. The price of a barrel skyrocketed overnight. You can thank Congress and their lack of foresight, (and hindsight, its happened before) for passing that law.

I see your basic issue here, you are in College and have been influenced by your professors. A propaganda machine that Josef Goerbels would be proud of. China was given 'most favored trade status' by Clinton, right after he got a half a million dollars from a Chinese national. They do have about a trillion US dollars in cash they are holding, sorta like blackmail. They have not as of yet released it on the world currency.

If you have to blame someone for China, thank Clinton. But hey, don't think about it, or research it, just blame Bush. See how easy it is.
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