Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
and maybe they inherited a shitload from grandaddy, dropped out of high school for a career in amateurish fellatio and shitty over-produced pop-music...So punish the most productive members of society by taking larger and larger portions of their income? Yeah because after all it's the poor people that are fucking lazy assholes that create jobs in the US. You need to get over your fucking pitty party bro and stop bitching about people that have more money than you. You want to know why they have more money?? Maybe it is because they graduated high school, went to college, and actually took some pride and self reliance to get where they got. The problem with this country lies in the fact that we are ignoring the fundamental fallacies in the citizens thinking that we are entitled to take money from successful people who had to actually take risks with their money; to give to people that sit n their ass and not look for a job because of a "bad economy". It's theft no matter how you look at it. Unless of course, your one of the lazy pieces of a shit I'm referring to. In reality, no matter how much you think its unfair and that rich people are victimizing you and your pathetic buddies, they will find a way to keep making money while you flush your pride and work ethic down the toilet and take their resources. You are no better than a bum sitting on the street with a sign wanting money for liquor.

...not sayin youre wrong, but sometimes, a little bit of hate for the self-indulgent elitist is totally warranted.