Hallo. :)


Active Member
So, hi!

My name is Wyn and I'm extremely new to growing. I'm still kind of new to smoking regularly, but that's beside the point.

The point is, I'm brand new to all of this, but I want to be successful at it. Why? Well, because I super-suck at the hooking up with others who're holding. I don't feel comfortable doing it and I usually rely on friends who have occasional overflow from their meets.

So, I thought to myself, "Wyn... You love pot. You don't want to run out of it, because that'd be the suck. Why not learn how to grow it and never run out, again! Also, you wouldn't have to hit up friends for excess!"

And, so, that's what I'm doing. I'm sure I've got ten-jillion things I've got to learn, but I'm determined! So, I might not be posting anything for a while, due to me reading the stickied topics and so on.

Thanks for reading!



Active Member
So.... After talking to a friend of mine, here at work, I've been informed that growing is a costly, dangerous business!

He told me about insulation and ventilation... And, not using heat lamps...

I figured that it'd be difficult, but I didn't know it would be so much preventative upkeep.

Of course, I just got it into my head that I wanted to grow to save myself the trouble of being without a steady supplier... But, is this a silly dream? Are there easier methods to prevent detection by others and, especially, the law? Is it as daunting an endeavor as it seems?



Well-Known Member
Hey Wyn, welcome aboard! It's not that big a deal, and as far as cost goes, it's a heck of alot cheaper than buying weed. Since you are here to learn, let me tell ya, you just broke rule #1, and that is......TELL NO-ONE.

Besides cost, it's very satisfying to smoke what you grew yourself. There is an investment, but unlike buying a bag of weed, which is an on-going outlay of cash, most of the expense in growing weed is a one time expense. Once you've purchased your light, it's yours.

Do you have a closet available to grow in? Or a spare room perhaps, maybe a basement? If not you can always buy one of those pressed board closets from home depot.

Well you have some food for thought.......


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum wyn, ditto wht these said tho m8 ...tell no1...
and as far as growing is ''very costly''......

Growing is as expensive as you make it, theres not relli a minimum or maximum to spend.

Happy growing m8 #:):):):)


Active Member
Hey Wyn, welcome aboard! It's not that big a deal, and as far as cost goes, it's a heck of alot cheaper than buying weed. Since you are here to learn, let me tell ya, you just broke rule #1, and that is......TELL NO-ONE.

Besides cost, it's very satisfying to smoke what you grew yourself. There is an investment, but unlike buying a bag of weed, which is an on-going outlay of cash, most of the expense in growing weed is a one time expense. Once you've purchased your light, it's yours.

Do you have a closet available to grow in? Or a spare room perhaps, maybe a basement? If not you can always buy one of those pressed board closets from home depot.

Well you have some food for thought.......

Thanks for the reply, Videoman40!

Ok, to answer your question, first: I have two closets available for growing, which is where I'd originally planned to put the pots in my daydreams.

As for telling anyone? Don't worry about that! My friends aren't really smokers, but I'd be nervous telling the ones that are--as they might hit me up for some when their supply's dry. I'd be too freaked to do that, friend or no.

Lastly, I've got some questions... First--My friend (who doesn't really know that I'm thinking of going through with it after his initial warnings) said that I'd need to insulate the room and give it proper ventilation.

For one, the insulation may/may not (I'm not sure on this) be to eliminate the need/use of a heating lamp--since, according to something he watched, there are flyover sweeps with heat-reading devices that can pick out the very specific frequency that a growing lamp gives off. Also, it controls humidity and other environmental factors. Is insulation necessary? Are heating lamps not good to use, based on the ?

And, the ventilation... Obviously used for venting the skunky smell that is likely to come from the plant as it grows and flowers. I live in an apartment that's made from a house--divided into four separate living areas... I live on the top floor, so it's possible for the smell to drift downward, tipping off neighbors. If one doesn't use ventilation, how does one overcome the hurdle of smell?

Thanks, in advance!


Thanks for putting up with my newbieness!

N3w81e GR0w3r!

Active Member
as far as helicomperts detecting your crop this is bull (so i was told). If your REALLY parniniod just put glass over your lights or lead. My uncle told me this stops heat being detected by helicopters.

Iam not to sure on smell. Havnt got that far yet myself :p but soon hopefully!


Well-Known Member
You do not need insualtion or heat lamps, you will need some form of a grow light and ventilation too. What I did was to install a cheap bathroom exhaust fan into my closet, and vented it into the ceiling. As far as the odor you are worried about, you can build a cheap odor neutralizing machine for under $30.00, which is inexpensive.
As far as lighting goes, you can go with CFL's or a HPS light, both of which are fairly inexpensive, the HPS would cost more than several CFL's but it would flower the plant better. The CFL's would produce less heat. A new HPS light is about $120.00.

Being that you live in the top apt, venting should be fairly easy to accomplish.
This will give you some more to digest.

Thanks for the reply, Videoman40!

Ok, to answer your question, first: I have two closets available for growing, which is where I'd originally planned to put the pots in my daydreams.

As for telling anyone? Don't worry about that! My friends aren't really smokers, but I'd be nervous telling the ones that are--as they might hit me up for some when their supply's dry. I'd be too freaked to do that, friend or no.

Lastly, I've got some questions... First--My friend (who doesn't really know that I'm thinking of going through with it after his initial warnings) said that I'd need to insulate the room and give it proper ventilation.

For one, the insulation may/may not (I'm not sure on this) be to eliminate the need/use of a heating lamp--since, according to something he watched, there are flyover sweeps with heat-reading devices that can pick out the very specific frequency that a growing lamp gives off. Also, it controls humidity and other environmental factors. Is insulation necessary? Are heating lamps not good to use, based on the ?

And, the ventilation... Obviously used for venting the skunky smell that is likely to come from the plant as it grows and flowers. I live in an apartment that's made from a house--divided into four separate living areas... I live on the top floor, so it's possible for the smell to drift downward, tipping off neighbors. If one doesn't use ventilation, how does one overcome the hurdle of smell?

Thanks, in advance!


Thanks for putting up with my newbieness!


Active Member
You do not need insulation or heat lamps, you will need some form of a grow light and ventilation, too. What I did was to install a cheap bathroom exhaust fan into my closet, and vented it into the ceiling. As far as the odor you are worried about, you can build a cheap odor neutralizing machine for under $30.00, which is inexpensive.
As far as lighting goes, you can go with CFL's or a HPS light, both of which are fairly inexpensive, the HPS would cost more than several CFL's but it would flower the plant better. The CFL's would produce less heat. A new HPS light is about $120.00.

Being that you live in the top apt, venting should be fairly easy to accomplish.
This will give you some more to digest.

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this thread, but it's been a hectic week. :) To my reply, though... Firstly, thank you for being so patient with me and my questions.

Next, is it absolutely necessary to have ventilation? To install a ventilation system, even one as simplistic as a bathroom exhaust fan, would require someone who has some working knowledge of tools and such. I'm not that person, unfortunately. Neither is my husband, who--God love him--is more of a bookish type. He's intelligent, but balls with any sort of hands-on activity. (When something breaks around the house, either I manage to work a miracle and mend it...or it stays broken.)

I would happily save up the money to buy an HPS light (or a couple of CFLs, if it came out a little cheaper, but wouldn't sacrifice too much quality of the grow with the use multiple CFL lights) and an odor eliminating machine... But, I'm not sure where to look. I'm sure I shouldn't buy them all in one go, which is good because I don't have the spare cash to do that, anyway. But, where should I look? When I searched on Froogle for 'HPS light,' many different lights with different wattage and so on were thrown back at me and I wasn't sure what, exactly, I was looking for.

In addition to these questions, I've others that are probably already answered in the many FAQs. However, when I clicked on one, it was based on this person's own grow room, which was huge in comparison to what I'm hoping to accomplish. It was intimidating and complicated, and I found myself avoiding reading it. Surely, it isn't as complicated as it seems. Otherwise, how could younger people--who are in college or younger--accomplish growing under their parents/friends/etc's noses?

All I want to know is how to grow enough for me and my husband to use, daily, without the worry of running out too quickly. (Friday before last, we got a quarter and it's already almost gone! $40!) So, I'm not sure how many plants I'd need or if it's even a feasible thing for us to do... It's just that it would be so much nicer to not shell out $40-$60 every two weeks.

I know I can do this... I just need someone to guide me through it, I guess. -laugh- Someone who won't judge me for being so uneducated about this, because they realize that every grower has to start somewhere. I just don't know who that'd be. :)

Thanks for all of your helpful advice and for reading my long, rambling posts!



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. I would recommend that you find the posts on Barrel of Green. Dr. Pot posted information on this forum about it Major Toke posted a thread about it. If I were going to attempt to grow in a closet or two in my apartment, I would make this Barrel of Green for one closet and use the other for a mother and clones. Its going to be featured in High Times Magazine. Designed to let a MMJ patient grow all they would need, without a lot of hassel. VV