Hallucinogenics.... Anyone Wanna Help?

so,i know i am new, and i know that this is the kinda shit that the old dudes on this site hate, but i have been reading for like ever, and i am really looking for the easiest way to get my hands on some hallucinogenic drugs, whether it be legally or illegally. Don't give me the eggs and wine and cherry bullshit either. I am just lookin for a good trip.


Well-Known Member
meet new people.
gain new friends.
get new sources.

-DMT (lick toads, extract from plants)
-mushrooms (find OR learn how to grow your own)
-Nyquil (DXM is the hallucinogenic substance in cough syrup)
-Rye Bread
-LSA (morning glory or Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds)
-Harmalines/MAOIs or Reversible Inhibitors (Syrian Rue, Caapi Vine..etc)
-Mescaline (find or grow your own Peyote or San Pedro)
-Research Chemicals (2cb, 2ci, 2ce, 2ct2...ect)
-even Nitrous or whip its can be considered psychedelic

i could go on but these seem to be the safest if you REALLY want to get high...

if I were you, I'd wait til you find some legit LSD, mescaline, or mushrooms.

extracted DMT is where its at.


Well-Known Member
you gotta buy them over the phone here's the # to call


when they answer tell them what you want. im sure they'll bring it right over.