Happy birthday!!!!


New Member
So this is the Birthday thread!

Post all of your birthday shout outs here! Friends, family, famous and not so famous, anybody.

I'll start it off with a bang and a big Birthday shout out to...... (drum roll).....
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (July15th,1606 – October 4, 1669)!

He painted some phenomenal works of art and this is probably his most famous, "The Night Watch". If you ever get to Amsterdam and go to the Rijks Museum (well worth your time, especially baked) and see some of this masters work UP CLOSE. His ability to paint in blacks is unmatched by any peer. This painting had me standing for at least 30 minutes unable to pull away from it. It's that intriguing!

So happy B-Day Rembrandt!

So anyone you want to recognize or just give an alert to everybody, do it here.


New Member
I'm pretty sure he would prefer this one on his B-Day! :lol:

I never saw Battlefield Earth , but I did read the book which was very long.... that Hubbard could write!


Well-Known Member
So this is the Birthday thread!

Post all of your birthday shout outs here! Friends, family, famous and not so famous, anybody.

I'll start it off with a bang and a big Birthday shout out to...... (drum roll).....
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (July15th,1606 – October 4, 1669)!

He painted some phenomenal works of art and this is probably his most famous, "The Night Watch". If you ever get to Amsterdam and go to the Rijks Museum (well worth your time, especially baked) and see some of this masters work UP CLOSE. His ability to paint in blacks is unmatched by any peer. This painting had me standing for at least 30 minutes unable to pull away from it. It's that intriguing!

So happy B-Day Rembrandt!

So anyone you want to recognize or just give an alert to everybody, do it here.
The Rembrandt museum is one of my favorite places to go in Amsterdam. Nice pic!


New Member
I took some excellent pics when i was there. Up in Arnhem there is a small but very worthwhile museum and they had the Van Gogh "Sunflowers" so close to me without any glass...it was simply amazing. I got one pic off and the guard told me to stop. At the Rijks, they had no problem as long as I didn't use a flash. Holland was the crossroads and main junction of Europe for many years, and it shows.


Well-Known Member
I took some excellent pics when i was there. Up in Arnhem there is a small but very worthwhile museum and they had the Van Gogh "Sunflowers" so close to me without any glass...it was simply amazing. I got one pic off and the guard told me to stop. At the Rijks, they had no problem as long as I didn't use a flash. Holland was the crossroads and main junction of Europe for many years, and it shows.
Holland is amazing. I try to go once a year.


New Member
Well Happy "pre" Birthday Roach! :lol:

I am sorry to hear about the chemo...bleh. Only 5 more to go? How many was there in total? I know nothing about it. You don't have to answer if you aren't comfortable with it. :wink:


Well-Known Member
12 total for colon cancer I will be 44 and I am white female go figure? I figured I would be 70 before I got cancer. But at least I am getting over it :) esp with a super duper boyfriend :) My parents call him and angel but I call him a devil in disguise :)


New Member
Oh well, the devil always makes for better company, everyone kewl knows that! :lol:

Okay, so your hitting the home stretch...well done :clap: Sounds like you have the right attitude!

I'd put up some birthday balloon smileys for you, but I'm anal and a stickler for details...so...tomorrow. :mrgreen: