HappyApple's - Dutch Passion Purple 1, 600w HPS Coco Grow


Active Member
This is my first recorded grow, Previously attempted big bhudda's autoflowering white dwarf, Pretty bad results but i was just experimentin. Ok guys so here's my setup I have cut off part off a closet for the grow. I am growing in Coco...duh i said earlier but w/e. I will be using a 600w HPS throughout the grow. I know this isnt optimum but it is dual spectrum so it will do. I lined to walls with mylar. I will have a 7 inch fan blowing on the bulb to enable me to lower the light and keep it as close to the plants as possible without burnin the little babies. Currently no ventilation but will be using two pc fans. Not much of an issue at the min as them little purps are still germin. The nutes i am using are ATAMI B'cuzz Coco A & B and something called I.D? Afterwards i will be using B'Cuzz Bloei bloom stimulator when i start to flower em. Will try and get pics up but bear with me as i am new to this.ty stay locked


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The energy savers pictured were bought from Tesco. 24w 50p ea equivalent of around 75c so i thought i may aswell pick em up may implement them somehow during flowerin


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ok so its officially day 1. Day 2 technically since they have been germin for over 24 hours but im going to say this is day 1 anyways. The purple 1 seeds have been germin in rockwool cubes, i have them sitting in an unheated propagotor in the boiler cupboard as this is the only place in the house where i can sustain heat and darkness. Have seen a taproot starting to emerge from one of the seeds so i may be starting to pot them up in around 2 days. Hopefully will be getting some Jack herer clones but will keep you all informed of that venture.....


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Day 2

Okay, so today is day 2. 2 little purples have cracked and have been put into coco. I have put em straight into big pots, I am using those poly bags which are a little easier on the pocket. I think they are like 20l/5gal so this should mean that I don't have to transplant em. Hopefully unless they get a little unruly. The other three that have not yet cracked have been thrown in the coco too as I cant be too bothered with planting individually and if they are goin to germ the will still germinate in the coco.... over and out


Active Member
Am not too sure what day it is of the grow but 1 is showing first set of leaves i am going to leave this thread till i start flowering seen as tho no one is interested ciao


Active Member
Hey Happy Apple!

I got some purple # 1 seeds from attitude and im about to germ them. Ill try to post pics of the progress. good luck man!


Active Member
k cool i currently have 1 seedling left as they all died under my fairly poor conditions. Nicely basking in the english winter sun now. Hope your luck is better than mine bro