Hard to say goodbye...


Well-Known Member
I have several plants growing outside. Six are over five feet tall. I check them daily for sex. Today I found a male. Lil fucker had already opened a pollen sac. I had cropped the plant a ways back, the little cluster was growing right where the main stem makes a Y from the previous topping. It's already hanging to dry. Hard to yank out such a beautiful plant.

So far it's the only one of my bunch to show, so I hope I got it before the females caught any.

I'm leaving town in a few weeks, for a few weeks, I hope I can find all the males before then.


Well-Known Member
I have been checking these plants daily. I always go out to the garden to check their growth, and look for sex clues. I have a lot of plants, but six of them are six feet tall, they got put in better soil. Anyway, due to their size and now alternating node growth, I have been more diligent.

I had been looking at the newest growth, higher up the plant. This was 1/3-1/2 way down, where the trunk is 3/4" diameter. The crotch of the "Y" (where I'd pinched it weeks ago) healed as a reddish, bark-like scar. I was doing my regular check, and on that scarred place, little balls were stacked, one had opened and was hanging down. Little yellowish fluted footballs. It's not where I thought to look before... that's called learning.

I'm assuming since one has flowered or preflowered, and they were all planted the same day, it's 6 foot companion plants will join in, as will the shorter, but same aged plants.

Male or not, that was a beautiful healthy six foot tall plant... I couldn't do it, my boyfriend had do!

Saving it for butter. :-)


Well-Known Member
I've been disappointed with big healthy males plants that I start singling them out young and spotting them early. Most of the time they big and growing fast and stinky too. Don't know about making butter with it though, they go straight to the compost pile for me. Unless it's a good one worth saving the pollen.....


Is it just me or would you just buy female seeds? No point of goin through all the hassle of male plants, been growing since 2005 and never had a problem!! Good luck


Well-Known Member
These are seeds from my friends "oops we had a male" grow. I have hundreds of seeds, so I planted a bunch... I didn't expect them to grow so well. :-).


Well-Known Member
Thanks. With 25 or so plants, I'm sure I will!

I go out morning and night and examine each plant that is in alternating leaf growth stages. Odd how the one had several "balls" but no one else yet.

I'm looking where the branches hit the trunk and where branches depart branches, and the top. The male I pulled grew the balls in a woody spot I had cropped weeks ago, to get the plant to make more tops. Just a little 1/2-3/4" stalk with a few light green ribbed football shaped thingies, one had opened like an upside down tulip.

Another plant has a TINY growth, I mean I-need-a-magnifying-glass tiny, that looks like a spade, like the Ace of spades, in a tiny stalk. I mean a millimeter. So I'm watching it too.

I honestly can't tell the tiny baby leaf things that appear to have tiny pistils from female sex glands. Perhaps I'll be able to differentiate them in a while. The males show first, I read, so I'm more concerned with finding them, I'll figure the females out in time.

With that many plants, I have to be vigilant. It seems most people have just a couple... Checking every node on 25 plants that are at lest 2 1/2-6 feet tall is a chore!

But even if I get minimal budding on them, and cull half, that's still about 12-15 females making some. :-)


What country are u growing in? Only reason I buy female seeds is cos they are still pretty cheap to be fair! Just keep it up and keep checking for males rip them out n I'm sure ur have some nice bud in no time