Harry J. Anslinger & President Kennedy


Well-Known Member
So you guys all know that the main reason marijuana is illegal is due to the drug czar, Henry J. Anslinger. Did you also know that he was appointed that position by the Treasury Secretary, who was also his Uncle? Yes that's right, Andrew Mellon was his name. Something smell fishy?

So Anslinger waged a war on marijuana for years. He wanted everyone to know how bad it was and all the horrible things it did to people that smoked it. You guys all know that Kennedy liked to smoke pot, huh? Yea that's right, Kennedy smoked pot.

I find it funny that President Kennedy pretty much forces Anslinger into retirement. And then a year later, when Kennedy was running for his second term and would have won, he was assassinated. Do you find it disturbing that Kennedy died a year after Anslinger was forced into quiting? Associates of Kennedy explain that Kennedy was planning on legalizing marijuana during his second term.

What would that have meant? Probably a bunch of lost money for all those crooked ass people involved with Anslinger and his drug policy's.

What are your thoughts on this?
