harvest came, but wasnt impressed :(

az kid

Active Member
Well i harvested 1 blue dream,1 Casey Jones, and 1 headband. I got alittle over 6 1/2 zips, not bad for a first grow in my opinion. Well aside from first harvest excitement, it was easy to tell that it wasn't dank buds. My casey and headband came out more mid grade and I'm wondering why?

Is it genetics?
Is it because i flowered with a t5 the first month, and happened to leave the green bulb on for 2 days?

Sorry if I'm ranting, just rather disappointed in the quality and do any of you guys no of any good genetics?


Active Member
Could be genetics yes. Could be one small factor in your grow area.. temperature, air flow, low co2 level because no fresh air, shock from anything, not enough light to all areas of the plant. Leaving the green bulb in won't do anything. The veg spectrum helps promote more resin production.


Active Member
Headband is a classic clone only strain with a high that feels like, well, a headband. Unless you know someone with the real deal...

Quality isn't usually affected by lighting, just yield. Fluorescent buds are generally of the same quality as hps buds.

az kid

Active Member
So should i throw a mh bulb in the flower room, and temps are alittle higher then they should, 85 hottest 57 coldest. I have a 150 watt hps lamp in flower for additional light, do you think i would be safe If i put a mh bulb in?
As for fresh air i have a smaller fan blowing air from the Room into the sealed closet, and have a inline fan and filter inside about 3 feet off the ground. I also gave a fan on the floor blowing directly up on the light. I have a 400 watt and the 150 side to side.


Well-Known Member
You know what I would do bro? I would just grow a few more times and keep your setup and just tweak it, slowly change equipment and make small changes and record what you see happening.

That 28 degree spread from day to night you have going on cant' be good though. Your air flow seems adequate. Could be the delivery of nutrients, not brand but how much you give them or are not giving them, just remember with nutes the labels are generic, and not every feeding schedule will work with all strains. I've had strains that 1/2 dose of nutes was enough, and others that I was near doubling, so you gotta learn your strain. I feed them til I see signs of burning, then I back off just a tad and dial in when I start a new strain I'm not familiar with.

I know grams to watts is a shitty way to measure effciency, but basing it off of that I think you did very well for your first grow. Most the posts here I see in noob central are of half dead plants that never stood a chance. be happy you have some mids to keep you rolling til you crop out again!

Tweak your temps, don't let day/night be more than 15 degress difference, the cold lights off period may be shocking them, but really dude for a first grow I think you did well!

Oh, is it 85 in the room or 85 under the lights?


Active Member
Flip your lights on time to be at night if you can. That will cut down on the large temp spread. I heard 15 degrees max.

Good luck. I'm a little too new to provide any further relevant info.


Well-Known Member
I run my light at night, to start with to keep temps down (I use a 600W) in summer time, but now at winter it also work as it keep the temps up, so to speak, but all in all it works for me since Im also home when the light is on (also give me peace at mind at work knowing there is`t a fire at my place)


bud bootlegger
it sounds to me that you did the classic rookie mistake, no offense to rookies as i've done it before, but usually if the bud's not all that potent imo and you're working with good genetics like you are, you more then likely pulled them much too early and they didn't have a chance to mature...
i did this for one crop and it pretty much ruined the entire crop.. my impatience really bite me in the ass to say the least.. anymore i won't even pull an indica dom down before 10 weeks after i switch to 12 / 12 as i have yet to see any strain that i considered done before that time..

how long did you let them flower for m8?


Active Member
Few good points mentioned. Check trichomes before harvesting.. recommend all cloudy or all cloudy and little amber. As for 85 degree temp.. I run sealed co2 and the tops got 85 degrees.. they came out a little fluffy and not good as I wanted. However the buds in the middle were protected by the head.. about 75 degrees and they were very solid. This grow I keep tops temps 78 max and tops are wonderful. Adding a MH would be great if you can control the temps. Everything else sounds great.


Well-Known Member
Quality isn't usually affected by lighting, just yield. Fluorescent buds are generally of the same quality as hps buds.
I disagree. I have grown the same variety under a T5 and a HPS and the HPS was way better. My opinion.

58 degrees is way too low, you are asking for stunted plants, extended grow times, powdery mildew...

Keep it close to 75 at all times.

az kid

Active Member
I'm not to worried, i did a sorry cure to,i still have the strains and I'm gonna try another round with different nutrients, and see if i can't get a way to get some air out of there, and cool the temps down.
As for Trichomes, they were cloudy with the tops of the trichs amber, they flowered for 10 weeks almost 11.