Harvest Cup... Michigan Style

volunteer or not, he still did the job and carries on the experience. I looked into what BS is saying and found they mention he has never prosecuted anyone.

Google tends to disagree:

I don't think being a true player in that game; prosecutor, plaintiff or defense, is a positive aspect for the populace personally. An outsider is what we may need to look at the books and see the overall harm seizure/forfeiture, incarceration and the Drug War does to our society as it props up our justice system financially. Totten teachs ethics and knows the meaning of integrity ...

Polls are currently Schuette 43% vs Totten 33% with 19% undecided. Anything is still possible ...[/QUOTE]

Upsets can and do happen.

Thats the problem with polls, if your guy is down in the polls, you might not be as incline to take the time to vote. Hopefully we all get out to vote, since its not a president election year, voting numbers will be lower, thats ashame....MM act was approved in 2008, the same year Obama was running for his first term and lots of people came out and voted. If people would just vote, their voices might be heard.
I don't think being a true player in that game; prosecutor, plaintiff or defense, is a positive aspect for the populace personally. An outsider is what we may need to look at the books and see the overall harm seizure/forfeiture, incarceration and the Drug War does to our society as it props up our justice system financially. Totten teachs ethics and knows the meaning of integrity ...

Why so? Cannot peoples opinions change after experience?
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Why so? Cannot peoples opinions change after experience?

It's about the business model of the drug war whereas so many police, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, prison guards, drug treatment personnel, etc. rely upon this intake for their family's subsistence under the guise of public protection which has not delivered for a half century now. It's not so dissimilar from predatory lending under the guise of fair housing that collapsed our economy in just over a decade. These schemes are pretty complex although it's easy to follow the money, but in both cases no one will ever be held accountable. In the end it's the far too common government corruption scheme of regulatory capture playing out at a cost to everyone of us.

Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure; it creates an opening for firms to behave in ways injurious to the public (e.g., producing negative externalities). The agencies are called "captured agencies" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture
I was just going to ask who the hell was running against BS. Thanks for saving me the trouble. Don't bother trying to defend BS his days are done so is his buddy rick snyder.
Schuette leads 37.8 percent-33.5 percent lead over Totten, with 21 percent still undecided


What the F is this undecided vote count. Why are they doing polls like this, only so they can show that the person they like is up on top?? The poll should be asking who will you vote for, not if you are still undecided. Maybe they can think about who they will vote for until Xmas time. To bad the election will be decided by then and those undecided folks can complain that they aren't so happy the way things are.
The wife and I are attending, and are close by. I can be of service anywhere my help may be needed leading up to and after. I have absolutely nothing going on all week, and could use something to do. Hadn't posted on here in forever so lost all acct info and had to make a new one so not sure how to get in contact with anyone. Please let me know who what when and where, or any combination that works lol.
It's about the business model of the drug war whereas so many police, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, prison guards, drug treatment personnel, etc. rely upon this intake for their family's subsistence under the guise of public protection which has not delivered for a half century now. It's not so dissimilar from predatory lending under the guise of fair housing that collapsed our economy in just over a decade. These schemes are pretty complex although it's easy to follow the money, but in both cases no one will ever be held accountable. In the end it's the far too common government corruption scheme of regulatory capture playing out at a cost to everyone of us.

Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure; it creates an opening for firms to behave in ways injurious to the public (e.g., producing negative externalities). The agencies are called "captured agencies" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture

No way will "totten for pot in" show up to the event. It's hours away from his home town and he is not a pot user. But I must ask is it probable to have an ATTORNEY general that was not a previous attorney? I'm sure it's slightly possible, like 0.000001% chance but it seems like the person filling this role would somehow be involved in the criminal justice system. Or I guess maybe we could vote for a popular person like kid rock.