harvest eary. have a Q


Active Member
Do to some complication i had to harvest early. Keep in mind that i am water curing. I was wondering if i should cure them longer than a week, do to the fact that they were plucked prematurely?


Well-Known Member
plaese don't waste your time with water curing. It removes all the flavor of the nug and ruins the bag appeal as well.


Well-Known Member
Do to some complication i had to harvest early. Keep in mind that i am water curing. I was wondering if i should cure them longer than a week, do to the fact that they were plucked prematurely?
For what it's worth, I don't see any reason to cure them longer just because they were picked earlier.


Well-Known Member
There was a post with water curing saying that curing for less than 7 days will compromise the bud....longer than 7days was a waste and did nothing...The moral of the story is 7 days...no more, no less for water cure.