harvest time soon maybe???


Well-Known Member
guys when i relocate my plant the new place have a 35% rh and the buds is getting much bigger and more orange hair appear see

they dry to fast they need 2 liters of water each daily
how far you guys think till harvest :razz:
today is day 54 flower


Well-Known Member
this is NLB i recommend for everybody healthy and nice and eazy
user friendly
sorry day 51 flower


Well-Known Member
Still got a week or two and try using more water less often I water about a gallon every 3-4 days or longer if the soil isn't dry


Well-Known Member
maybe they will not get bigger i'm first time grower maybe this as big as it gets?
i gave them less nutes 1/3 of what it says on box
and not proper nutes either


Well-Known Member
the super lemon haze is getting bigger but i will not post pic because the main cola have offensive shape :p


Active Member
^You got more then 2wks.

You still got a lot of white hairs popping out.
You would be best off just taking the time to read this. https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/66405-amber-alert.html
Then you can figure it out yourself instead of asking every week.

Your plant looks great im sure you will continue to grow so why not learn how to do it instead of having to ask.
A jewelers loupe only costs around $15 and will last you many many harvests.
Looking at the trichs is the only way to determine harvest timing.
The hairs will give you a indication that she is just about ready, but it will not tell you peak harvest time.
For that you need to check the trichome color.

Unless you start taking macro pics of the trichomes no pic you show us will tell us anything more then its close or you waited to long.
We cant tell you peak thc because we cant see the color of the trichomes.


Well-Known Member
i see a lot of red hairs and i ordered microscope it didn't arrive yet :razz:
orange orange sorry not red


Active Member
i see a lot of red hairs and i ordered microscope it didn't arrive yet :razz:
orange orange sorry not red
Like I said in my above post that means basicaly nothing.
Sure it tells you they are close but dose not accurately tell you they are at there peak and ready to harvest.