Harvest time

Can anyone give me a simple cut, dry and cure program which has worked for them? So confusing, not sure which approach to take. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Just hang dry and jar cure, look in the harvest section there's a sticky called "the perfect cure everytime" or something like that, really helpful


Well-Known Member
flush plant, then take plant out of room chop up plants, then trim buds, throw buds onto the dry net, then let dry until feel dry, , this is if your a personal smoker , not commercial . throw into a jar, close up, then you will notice the will be wet again ! , open jar and hour or so. then reclose, next day do the same and so on and so on, look for mold ! this is how to cure it , commercial growers . chop that shit up and dry for 3 or 4 days, and bag it up and get rid of it asap have to pay bills the cure with the jar will take you a few weeks, will be a smoother tastier bud, that's all , there is some confusion it will be more potent this is incorrect, some people cure it for months before they smoke, main thing is just watch for molds, have fun !


Well-Known Member
Flushing is debatable,so it is entirely up to you to do it or not.
I don't use hydrometers or get real crazy with it.Depending on ambient temps in your drying location,
hang dry for 5-7 days checking your stems for dryness, I don't let my stems snap,just when I bend them I can hear it breaking but it stays together.
At this time I jar it in a canning jar leaving plenty of room,every 12 hours I empty the jar onto a table and let them air out about 10 mins.
I do this about a week and than second week only burp twice in a week.Don't get alarme dif the first week you have a grass smell,this is chlorophyll breaking down and your yummy terpines will return.