harvesting auto before flowering photo- height question

i have one photoperiod (indica dominant) at day 25 from seed, and an auto at day 16 (stunted growth due to transplanting twice). both recovered and growing fast.


question is; I have only 1,5' of usable height, i think auto needs at least 50 more days for harvest, can i keep the photoperiod at veg in this time period before flowering?
I've LST'ed photo yesterday and took it to pot height. also planning to top a few times. i will also place a scrog net under the lights after some time.

with 1,5' x 1,5' width and length of the microbox, does this photoperiod outgrow the box or shadow the auto? or is it possible to keep it under 1,5' both for veg&flowering?
i thought about switching to 12/12 but its written everywhere that this is a big "dont" for an auto.
lights are close enough to prevent any unnecessary vertical growth.
ah i forgot, i have 2 autos going almost same:)
(250w cfl)

do you have any creative suggestion to keep both othem?


Well-Known Member
You could keep the non-autos and clone em until the autos are done. I've kept clones alive, relatively healthy and small using a low level of light on them while waiting for room in the flower area. Sometimes taking clones off the clones if they get too big.