Has anyone been to Cuba?

Look at all these well travelled backpackers....

Fuckin noobs. Listen the only places in the world where the cops are interested in your 3 joints worth of weed are: Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore, Iran, Yemen and maybe one of those other muslim countries.... also the US...the cops in the US are very cocerned with your minor

In latin america its a completely different approach to enforcement and safety. The cops wont throw you in jail for minor amounts of weed as it is decriminalized in most countries. Most cops will happily take a bribe. They are more concerned with tourist safety and well-being.

You'll find shitty weed in Cuba and you'll want to be more careful about getting robbed or scammed.... if you are used to smoking really good bud might be a better idea to save your money and get yourself some cubanita whores and get plenty drunk...

Have fun...
I'd love to go paint there...there's a painting at every street corner...plus the 50s cars and the rum...I'll have to look into a painting trip...I'm sure I could hook up with some art group whose got the same idea.
I wouldn't bother myself with weed unless I meet a trust worthy local. Last thing I need is to get locked up in a Cuban jail with hundreds of horny, sweaty men...and me with my natural blonde. On second thought..
I've wanted to see Cuba for years and as I understand it you must have a professional reason for visiting. You can't just go as a tourist so my question is...how did you manage to book a trip legally?
I am Canadian. I don't know of a time when we were not allowed there. :/
I'd love to go paint there...there's a painting at every street corner... plus the 50s cars and the rum...I'll have to look into a painting trip...I'm sure I could hook up with some art group whose got the same idea.
I wouldn't bother myself with weed unless I meet a trust worthy local. Last thing I need is to get locked up in a Cuban jail with hundreds of horny, sweaty men...and me with my natural blonde. On second thought..

The cars down there aren't that nice, they didn't have access to parts since 1959 and fabricated or used parts from other cars.

I've seen pics of some of those cars. Nothing like you see in Mecum auctions, they are daily drivers with more miles than you could imagine with lots of sheet metal work.
I'm from the uk so we are allowed to go no problem. Went last year to cayo coco which is a bit like the florida keys, and very sparsely populated.
The only old american cars were taxis. All the buses were chinese.
We talked to some friendly hotel staff about drug use and were told it was a big no no for locals
You are best off sticking to rum in my opinon, any weed over there will most likely be costly and dubious quality, and locals won't be keen on offering it. It isn't Jamaica where everyone tries to sell it you.