Has anyone ever used Flora Nova oriducts

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
Hello Folks!
I just wanted to know if anyone has ever used Flora Nova nutes and if they worked well for them. I have been using Pro-Bloom from Botanicare but I have run out and have a full bottle of Flora Nova Bloom. The only diffenece that I can see is one is organic and the other isn't. Are there any other differences other than being organic or inorganic?


Well-Known Member
I have successfully used FloraNova series and the regular Flora (mircro/grow/bloom) series from G.H. I do not know about the differences.


Well-Known Member
Are you using them on the same crop, or is this a different crop?

If it is the same crop I usually don't switch nutes mid stream, I don't know if it would make a difference, but in bloom i don't take many chances.

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
I was planning on using Flora Nova Bloom on the same crop since I ran out of my normal stuff. The nutes I use are organic and this one is not. I was not sure on taking the chance that is why I wanted to check in to see if anyone else has used this stuff, and if it is okay to switch nute brands mid stream. I think I may take the hike to the store to get what I am used to.