Has anyone here vaped long-term?

Yeah glass path means nothing if the coil is still metal. The volcano and some of the other more high end devices use an oven, so the only thing coming into contact with your material is hot air.

The weed carts are just so suspect nowadays. It’s incredibly hard to know legit vs. counterfeit, and with little to no federal regulation, who knows what chemicals have been added.

That’s why so many of those studies are meaningless. They don’t necessarily represent the way the population vapes, and what exactly they're vaping. Until a comprehensive study is conducted of a wide range of materials, and devices… they shouldn’t present their findings as fact.
Yeah glass path means nothing if the coil is still metal. The volcano and some of the other more high end devices use an oven, so the only thing coming into contact with your material is hot air.

The weed carts are just so suspect nowadays. It’s incredibly hard to know legit vs. counterfeit, and with little to no federal regulation, who knows what chemicals have been added.

That’s why so many of those studies are meaningless. They don’t necessarily represent the way the population vapes, and what exactly they're vaping. Until a comprehensive study is conducted of a wide range of materials, and devices… they shouldn’t present their findings as fact.
Exactly my concern. I bought a PAX3 just because I vape outside. Otherwise I'd have a volcano for sure. I'm hoping the PAX has a higher safety standard as U.S. company but who knows really. We're rolling the dice. Although i suspect dry-herb vapes are less harmful than smoking.
Exactly my concern. I bought a PAX3 just because I vape outside. Otherwise I'd have a volcano for sure. I'm hoping the PAX has a higher safety standard as U.S. company but who knows really. We're rolling the dice. Although i suspect dry-herb vapes are less harmful than smoking.
Been using the Crafty+ and while a little on the pricey side, far superior to any other portable dry flower Vape I’ve tried. Plus they stand by them. Had a few battery issues and they just replaced the unit no questions asked. :clap:
So you're saying whats inhaled is completely separated from any air that might be coming from an area with metal? I'd love to find one, please link me up.

You don't want any stainless steel either? I really can't see what 200°c air could do to stainless steel. I assume no plastics then also?

Well look up elev8r. Nothing but glass.
I’ve been vaping nicotine for like 2 years now after smoking for 2. Definitely breathe easier. I have a dry herb vape(Dynavap m+) I don’t use it that much, I just like smoking better. Decent enough cardiovascular health and I’m to vain to let myself get fat.
I've not only vaped for years ( love menthol......those f'ers, menthol illegal in NY...
What the f ? ) .......I smoked Old Gold 100's for years and f'ing years . .......I've hammered a boat load of chew ( Skoal to leaf tobacco and plugs......)......985,333
Monster hauls off bongs......1.369 million doobies and probably , about 3 tons of snuff ( love the pulverized concoction, fast and hard.........right up the snooze.....
what a rush ! Life without vice is very long and boring !