Has anyone noticed?


Well-Known Member
I dont know if anyone noticed, but the michigan forum on this website is really one of the only state forums used with consistency, other then cali and colorado. why do you think that is?
When I became registered, I joined 3 different grow websites...mostly so I can look at pictures. I stayed here because the Michigan Medical Marijuana forums on the other sites were dead...prolly still are.


Active Member
I think everyone needs to take a chill and smoke their medicine lol, or their non medical marijuana. Either way it still has the same reaction right?
I agree complelty I just moved to michigan about 3 weeks ago and I came from hawaii I hope this environment will allow me to grow some killer buds like back home


Active Member
When I became registered, I joined 3 different grow websites...mostly so I can look at pictures. I stayed here because the Michigan Medical Marijuana forums on the other sites were dead...prolly still are.
this website is great for info, but like someone else said lots of namecalling and pot snobbery. mmmforums.com is pretty good, its all people based in micihgan.