Has anyone used the GE Lucalox™ PSL's (PhotoSynthesis Light)????


Well-Known Member
I was comparing prices on CFL's and came across these GE HID horticulture lights: (-->CLICK HERE<--) They range from 250W-750W and by the looks of them I imagine there HPS but the description just says PSL light. So has anyone used these lamps before and how do they compare to other horti lamps??? Their spectrum doesn't look very good compared to other horticulture bulbs like Hortilux and especially Ceramic Metal Halide. Here's the Spectral Power Distribution of the Lucalox PSL Lamps that GE provides: (Thanks for telling me where to find it Tav, LOL!_
SPD of Lucalox PSL Lamp.jpg

Here's a quote from the product description (link above):

"Simple light or lumen maintenance is not enough to create plant growth. Plants
require a certain radiation level to help with photosynthesis. The Lucalox&#8482;
PhotoSynthesis Light Lamp has been specially developed to provide stable lumen
maintenance and increases Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR).

&#8226; Measured in micromole/sec, the increased PAR output of the Lucalox&#8482; PSL lamp
best simulates natural daylight to maintain plant growth under artificial lighting


Well-Known Member
Under the picture of the lightbulb download the "Family Data Sheet".
Also, the Hortilux HPS has a better spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Yea it look like this lamp is GE lame attempt at getting in on the grow industry, I say lame because if your going to take the time and resources to "Specially Develop" a lamp for horticulture use then at least "Develop" a decent spectrum.