Hash Making Question

The Producer

Active Member
Hello RIU Community,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how much plant material yields how much hash? For example, if I used 16 ounces of plant material, how much hash would that produce?

Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
Your gonna get quite alot. I did ISO Hash last time with about an ounce and a half of trim and yeilded about 5 grams of black hash. SUPER STICKY ICKY too. I say with a pound of trim you'll probably yeild about an ounce. Btw what method are you going to use to extract the resin heads?

Brick Top

New Member
That depends on the type of Hash you are looking to produce.
What method are you using?

It also depends on the strain and how frosty your leaves are. If you have a white strain and the leaves look like they are covered in snow you will get a lot more from the same amount of trim than you will if they are not frosty. Basically that means there is no way to predict how much you will get and that you will not always get the same amount from different strains.

As for what method to use to make hash I would suggest biting the bullet and buying the bags to make bubble hash if you are going to do it on a regular basis and especially if you will be selling it.

It is the easiest way and it does not leave any chemicals or anything for an aftertaste and you will get several grades of hash so if you want, if you are selling, you can either charge more for some or keep the very best for yourself and sell the rest or if you are just keeping it for yourself smoke the different grades depending on what you feel like at the time or depending on who is around and who you want to get really high and impress and who might just be coming over to sponge a free buzz so then you pull out the lower grade and don’t waste your best on them.

The Producer

Active Member
Thank you all for such quick responses. And I was planning on putting up the money for a couple BubbleBags. Can't decide whether to get the four or eight bag kit though. Any thoughts or experience?


Well-Known Member
Ya I deff want the bags just don't have the amount to really need the bags ya know. Thats a little much for me just for like an ounce or maybe two ounces. I got 4 white shark going right now still seedlings but am DEFF going to make so hash out of them.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for such quick responses. And I was planning on putting up the money for a couple BubbleBags. Can't decide whether to get the four or eight bag kit though. Any thoughts or experience?
You seen jorge cervantes bubble hash video?

But if you can afford the 8 bag kit, youll get more refined differnt quality hashes.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a couple videos on the 8 bag system. I think you get like 4 or 5 different kinds. With the 4 bag that would be what two kinds? I would go for the 8 if you have that much trim.

The Producer

Active Member
No I have not seen Jorge's video. I'll give it a look-see. Thanks for the tip. Thank you all for posting. Is Bubble/Ice Hash is really worth the money or do you think straining with cheesecloth is just as effective or potent?