hatred, misunderstandings, lies and greed


Well-Known Member
well this will probably get someone, if not many people upset....

um the USA has finally fallen at the hands of itself,

politics in this country suck, an sorry to say they always have, we had a big war...a revolution, where we drove out the british, for our freedom....FREEDOM PEOPLE!

we need another revolution.....

now, what are major issues in the USA? taxes too high, pay too low, no healthcare, no homes or food for the poor (fuck welfare) actually lets sum it all up...no freedom....no freedom of speech, freedom of religion...as long as you're some form of christian(all other's will be monitored closey) no privacy, no human rights, no no nonono...all we have is nothing.

imagine if the borders were closed to, i dunno say, Christopher Columbus? maybe the british who came to escape the taxes? the land of freedom has closed it's doors. the things...the PEOPLE which made this country great are dead and gone, the beliefs which looked so good on paper, have failed, and burned at the hands of greed, we are left with the "modern US" we have a pres who hates, muslims(freedom of religion) who can't take criticism and would(and has) have 8 year old's held for questioning on statements made against him, parents taken from children, and children taken from parents, while claiming the "leave no child behind" bullshit is working, the rest of the world is so fucking advanced they laugh at us, and many in turn, hate us, not us individually, but us as a nation, Iraqi people do not blame the population of the US, nor the soldiers who are fighting on our behalf, they blame the same people I blame, our Government. Our Elected leaders who use black ops to assassinate foreign leaders, to wage war through private security contractors for greed, fuck oil, fuck peace, neither is the main reason for our current confusion, it was not peace or threats of war that brought us to Iraq, nor was it 9/11 as they have at least half of the population believing. we killed saddam who happened to be at odds with osama...osama is missing, and nobody cares, what the fuck is going on,

On top of everything else look at our allies, the uk is a strong nation yes, we hated them then we allied, and now everyone's happy, my belief is they're stuck in iraq, because we have something on them, not cuz they want to, Israel....hmmm we give them weapons....they kill little kids going to school, they invade countries, and drop leaflets 2 hours after they bomb every road out of the cities, and say "hey we're gonna bomb the cities again, you should leave if you want to live....." but wait they bombed all the roads and bridges?!?!?!.....next leaflets an hour before the bombing..."oh yea if we see cars driving we will target them".

if you don't know what happened in Lebanon 2 summers ago, send me a message and i'll send you the images my cousins sent me from Beirut, Qana, and Tyre, and you can make any statement you want.

ok, just a clarification, I'm arabic, I don't practice a religion nor am i biased, I am not an anti Semite I am an anti Zionist, i have many friends who are Jewish and we live in peace, everyone can live in peace, hatred has us fearing our neighbors and friends....

fuck it this world is making me sick, and this topic gets me too heated, i could rant for hours while I'm stoned, but i'll leave it at this, we can all be better if we choose to be better, life is a cycle we all deal with, but if we try things can change, if we sit on our asses all day long and wait for someone to fix it for us, we're in trouble...

ron paul can shove it-

...nothing in this rant is directed in disrespect to any nation or religion....this rant is just that, a rant....
my opinions



Well-Known Member
I served 7 yrs in the us army and my son is in now and has been to Iraq. Funny thing is i agree with you my brother. Religion separates.....period. This country is digging a hole and 90% of us don't know it. Mention anything in this vein to anyone i know and I get a blank stare or an argument from some uniformed, brainwashed mook. How long will we take it? What kind of future do our children have. My son has mentioned his concern with possibly having to go to Afghanistan next and the thought of it chills me to the bone. I, and he would defend this country to the death....but not to be a part of an occupying force. We have no right being anywhere but right here taking care of our own. Throw Iran, Pakistan, N Korea and China and I see a country overextended and with no focus and a loss of direction. Soooooooooooo sick of all the genocide in Africa, war all over....you're right...WTF


New Member
What you two guys have said is so sad and true. The only people in this world that have it getting better are the rich bastards that control the planet. This uprising you speak of will have to be done against them, as it was in the past when the people threw out the king. Trying to convince anyone of this is fruitless, so it is just a pipedream. Millionaires have never had it so good as when the criminal Bush gave them mega-tax breaks. The measley 300 bucks most middle-lower class familys got, wouldn't pay one months electric bill. You have a couple of rich pricks on this site that preach bush reverance, may they die and be cast into the fiery pit, ~LOL~. The next revolution will be class warfare, we may have to eat the rich bastards, when we run out of food, Leg of VI anyone.


Master of Mayhem
First of all Storm I would like to say:

Second of all I think it would do some people on here good to see these pics you are talking about:

if you don't know what happened in Lebanon 2 summers ago, send me a message and i'll send you the images my cousins sent me from Beirut, Qana, and Tyre, and you can make any statement you want.
Might wake up some of the Bush loving warmongers around here:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well, I'm glad i got a pretty positive response, thank you for reading, I don't preach war against the rich, and though i am not in the armed forces, many of my friends are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, on the other hand i have family in Lebanon who fight when is necessary, war is a terrible thing, because no matter who wins, people have to die. right now we've lost so many kids in iraq, that parents are fearing their children will join the service, instead of being proud as they once were, I can't say i would die for what this country is now, but i would stand and gladly die for freedom, I don't hate the Iraqi's for fighting back, i cant, if someone dropped a bomb on my house, or came into my neighborhood with tanks and said, "hey you're in a backwards world and we're going to liberate you", then start killing everyone, I would be using Guerrilla tactics as well, i would fight back for my freedom. I do however wish the killing could end, i want all of our troops back home, with their families where they should be, not destroying families in a different world based on an order by a general sitting in a nice comfy air conditioned office somewhere in texas-

as for the pics, anyone can find them online my cousins sent it to me as a news clipping, mom, dad and 3 children (one was a baby about a year old) in a minivan that was hit with 3 hellfire missles for what? driving on a road in southern Lebanon
...you can find the massacre at the house In Qana that was hit with a 2,000 pound "precision" bomb that was housing about 19 kids aged 3-15 and disabled elderly people, they leveled the building and everyone died.

look at statistics of how many Hezbollah members they killed, then look at how many civilians they killed, Hezbollah calculated they rained 4,700 katyusha rockets on israel in one month, mainly at military targets though some fell in populated areas (those are the ones they reported in the news), how many Israeli civilians died? 7? do the math. Lebanon doesn't have a bomb shelter on every street corner.

where was the united states in this war? they were telling Israel to go ahead and bomb, they even gave them weapons we can't use because it violates the geneva convention, they dropped white phosphorus in Beirut, Cluster bombs in Tyre and qana, look at protocol III, use of banned weapons in civilian area's is a WAR CRIME, but we supplied it, Okayed it and watched it go down,

I feel sick-


New Member
Well said, Sir. From time to time we all have to vent the painful truths about what we see around us. Funny that many of the rich in this country have very little negative to say. But it is telling that the majority of the world agree that we are seeing the same thing. Tyranny on an unprecedented scale from those in power of the very nation which has been seen as a beacon of freedom for so many years.

I believe there is a small but vocal segment of the far religious right who’s worldview includes strict adherence to the commands of a human claiming to have divine knowledge, who will never see the way. They are like sheep with wolfs for a shepherd, and they can’t tell the difference for the wool pulled over their eyes.

But mainly, it is greed which is tearing apart our planet. Greed by those in the ruling class of all nations. And the revolution that is needed will be asking a lot of those in the civilian class who are doing well in this country and others.

I don’t expect much from the outlandish claims of Ron Paul, were he made president. But I can tell you this; it really appears that the people of my country, the U.S., will not accept a president who will not end the killing of our citizens or other countries, in a for profit war.

The only question is: how far will the powers that be back off? If the political zeitgeist they have set in motion appears to be thwarted by a man of the people, will they back off from their plans, or move into a marshal law state, like the president’s buddy in Pakistan? And I have seen the pictures of what has been and is still occuring in Lebanon. I am not ashamed to say they made me cry. These are photos of children, men and women torn apart by war that our media will never show. What the hell is wrong with these men of no conscience?

At least there is a growing number of people waking up to the markings of evil men. I believe the people of the world desire peace. It is those in power who profit from and therefore desire war.