Have a carbon filter still smelling


Active Member
Ok guys here is the issue. I just finished my first run last month and even with the carbon filter the smell was bad. My mother pulled up in the driveway of my house and said she smelled it soon as she got out of the car and the damn plants are in my basement! It was a closet size grow room in the basement. Closet was NOT sealed just 2 sliding doors on a track. My filter is in the closet the duct is running from the carbon filter out a hole I drilled in the closet into my laundry in (also in the basement) and the duct goes into the inline fan. The back of the fan is just blowing the air out into my laundry room which is only separated from the room the grow closet is in by a door. The air is also blowing straight at the duct blower system for my air/heat which has a small opening. (maybe the smell is getting into there and blown throughout the house?) I don't see how that's possible since it's going through the filter too at the other end. So the carbon filter is at one end (in grow closet) and the inline fan at the other end. (is the set up wrong?) also the laundry room of course has the dryer vent that my dryer duct is connected to but I don't see how the smell is getting out through that. I had 3 medical plants going. I'm wanting to do another run to try and be done by july but with spring/summer coming and more foot traffic outside I don't want people walking down the sidewalk to smell it....Any suggestions???? This is what I have VenTech Hydroponic 6'' Inline Fan and Carbon Air Filter 6'' Duct Flange Combo Set for Odor Control with Floor Mount, the light is an air cooled 400 watt tube system

  • Air Flow: 440 CFM
  • Speed Fan: 2730 RPM
  • Power: 121 W * Input Voltage: AC 110v/60Hz * Current: 1.1A
  • Dimension: 8:5" x 11" x 13" Duct Size: 6"
  • Filter: 6" x 20" CFM: 440


Well-Known Member
Not sealed good enough. I had this same issue exhausting into the same room, large basement with panda filmed rooms... stinking up my house.

What I did was fully sealed the room with more panda film and insulation tape... made a zipper and put 2 6 inch a it'll intakes at floor level. The duct work exhaust is blowing on a hanging small jar of One with holes in the lid. Linen smell (perfect laundry room smell).

After that no smell at all.

Negative air pressure man. If there are any gaps the smell will find its way out. Without the air intakes my walls sucked in... found the 2 ports worked best.

My setup:

Room 5x5x6

Filter > Hood > Fan (190 cfm) > Blowing out onto One jar. You can be in front of room and you'd never smell it.


Well-Known Member
With a large enough scrubber running in the room I can't even smell plants when I'm in the room with them. I have to touch them to get a quick whiff.