Have a problem with the wife


Well-Known Member
My wife is pretty pissed off. She has been around since the start of the grow back in Feb. My plants have been cloned and are fully ready for me to sex them. I have not purchased my HPS yet and when I told her the cost a few months back she seemed to have no problem with it. We don't have any money issues, we're not rich but we do just fine. Over the last month or so she has been pretty pissed cause the whole grow is making my basement STINK. I fully explained to her, that it could or would happen but she did not know it would be this bad. I know I can put in a fliter system but she is fed up with me spending money on them. The grow went well, 8 Plants have turned into 24 plants, with my clones. The mothers are about 4 feet tall and the cones about 2ft all very bushy and nice. Anyway she comments this week she want's them out of the home in 1 month. Ok so we argue and argue and argue and argue, blah blah. End result is I lose the plants or I lose the house. You get the idea. I have a friend who is taking over the whole thing so it won't go to waste. He is the only guy I can trust to take the stuff but he is going to move everything to a large farm with a hot house. I don't it like but it's better then killing them. At least this way they will have a fighting chance. Before he takes them he would like me to sex them, he has plants already in the place that are all females and does not want to walk outside one morning to find a male has killed his grow. He won't take them unless they are sexed. He only grows outdoors and has no systems to loan. So now I do not want to spend the money for a HSP system. I know it will just make matters worse. I have two questions.

1) Can I sex with a CFL? If so can anyone recommend a brand I can pull from a local hardware or electric supply house.

2) I can get a HPS from the depot for a pretty cheap cost. Does an HPS need a ballest?

Basiclly I'm just looking for the easiest, cheapest way to sex these babies. After that, they're long gone. I searched the forum but most of the CFL stuff I found is pertaining to germination. Keep in mind, I'm not looking to bud these, that will be done by my friend.

Thanks for all your help guys. It's been fun. I'll keep on smoking, just not growin :(


Well-Known Member
you can flower with cfls alot of people think there shit but i like em for stealth grows where little heat is wanted too bad bout the missis man believe it or not the smell is most likely the boys cos ive found they tend to stink in veg if you can talk your misses round just scrub your grow https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/90893-ultimate-odour-control-thread.html\
arid has comprised a nice list of eay diy models there and believe me the smell will go if your scrubber is up to the challenge its a shame to give them away hps can be had fairly cheap if you buy a ballast kit n knock it up yourself very easy really hope u can sort out the wife and continue with our beautiful hobby but if your just after sex cut your lights to 12/12 and just make sure there is no light getting to them during dark within a fortnight you should know a few pics of preflowers can help with a few of the more experienced lads here but you will get the hairs/balls with whatever you got growin em now


Well-Known Member
yeah u can sex with CFLs. i recommend using the 2700k (red spectrum) lights.

shit, if u cant find any or dont wanna buy any then just switch ur veg lights to 12/12. it will still work.

and yes HPS need ballasts. sometimes the lights are sold with the ballast and is included in the price.


Well-Known Member
get a carbon filter and put yr foot down with the ol' trouble n strife(wife). She will respect your authoritah lol...:twisted:
i mean if u explained to her the costs and smell issues involved, and she accepted it then, why is she now gettin cold feet and tellin u to get rid of yr plants after you've already spent money and time on your grow? Cant u at least flower and finish what plants u've got and get some bud out of it then pack up your grow, not a complete loss then and a fair compromise??


Well-Known Member
also if u started yr grow back in feb, thats six months ago, i mean i pull two harvests in that time, i do use seperate veg and flower rooms tho, that cuts my grow time in half. U could of taken 1 cut of each of yr 8 plants when they were around 6weeks old or even younger depending how fast theyre growing, labelled each cut as to which plant it came from and sexed them way back when, and had a perpetual harvest going by now with a few mothers and clones, maybes shes so pissed coz shes put up with the smell so long and not seen any end product?? And if yr growing weed without a carbon filter yr asking for trouble either from the person/persons yr living with, or a member of the public, yr neighbours or even worse the law getting a whiff of yr grow walking by your property, unless u live alone in an extremely remote location then a c/filter is one of the most basic of things a succesful grower should get before starting any grow op.
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Well-Known Member
I want to thank everyone for the replies. I am going to be hitting up some CFL's at the depot. My wife is currently out of the country visiting family and won't be back till mid sept. I dont know why she freaked out like this. Maybe when she get's back home she will have a differant opinon on the matter. Let's hope. I wish I could have put the foot down, but when you are married you have to pick and choose which ones are really important. She is my wife, for the last 5 years and I have to respect her wants and needs. She does the same for me. If we did not do things like this, I'm sure many married people would tell you a marriage would not last long. Thanks everyone I will let you know how many females I got out of the bunch.


Well-Known Member
yea maybe she would be a bit more chilled when she comes back, i mean i think id get pissed get off with my grow if i could smell it day in day out for six months i had to replace my bloom room c/filter last week coz i started to smell it round the flat. I am married mate nearly 8 years, with kids. But i guess im lucky my mrs smokes too and loves the fact i grow our own and get all the benefits of doing so, but if theres one thing iv learned about women, they dont like smells!


Well-Known Member
yea maybe she would be a bit more chilled when she comes back, i mean i think id get pissed get off with my grow if i could smell it day in day out for six months i had to replace my bloom room c/filter last week coz i started to smell it round the flat. I am married mate nearly 8 years, with kids. But i guess im lucky my mrs smokes too and loves the fact i grow our own and get all the benefits of doing so, but if theres one thing iv learned about women, they dont like smells!
Yup. I can't argue with her. Her points are correct and logical. Why grow it anymore when we can lose, the house, money, marriage and possibly lives and any potential of kids out the door. We can give it to our friend and have bud when we want, without the risk. How can I can argue that. I'm a lucky guy, you can see a pic of my wife on one of posts here. Not many men or women have the opertunity to spend 1 month apart from their spouse. It's great it gives us both a break. She is cool, loves to smoke. Hell she bought a huka. But when your hot wife sits next to you naked, takes a bong hit and tells you it's her or some plants. Well thent he plants lose lol. kiss-ass


Active Member
"When your hot wife sits next to you naked, takes a bong hit and tells you it's her or some plants. Well thent he plants lose"

Well you put up a good arguement, but I'm gonna have to say THIS THREAD IS USELESS WITHOUT PICS!!!

Seriously though, it's a good point - all the bud you need without the stress of keeping them alive or even from the 5-0 ya can't lose! Just make her do something for you in return.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Seriously though, it's a good point - all the bud you need without the stress of keeping them alive or even from the 5-0 ya can't lose! Just make her do something for you in return.. ;)
yea good plan until yr mate whos growing them gets busted and tells the filth that all the plants are yours and you put him up to it trying worm himself into a lesser sentance, id never involve anybody else in any of my grows.